The Ghost of Faffner Hall

How pregnancies work in this universe:

I laughed at the monologue, and the game show sketch got a few chuckles out of me. Then it went downhill from there. But I do give this episode some points solely for Cecily Strong’s cleavage in the Halloween sketch.

Why did they need that machine at all? Why not just grab the bible, jump in the shuttle and get outta there? (“Because it would have been a short episode” is the correct answer, I’m sure)

“ One small annoyance of the series since the start has been how it sporadically finds ways to indulge its star’s moonlighting singing career, shoehorning in opportunities for Jess to dust off a ditty.”

Can someone explain to me why the hell Jasper is on this show? Last week he only had two lines and this week he didn’t speak at all and was barely even acknowledged. It’s like someone at Fox decided, “This show needs a kid,” and they threw one in just to appease him. He’s so insignificant we don’t even know his real

What’s more, the date contradicts GG continuity. Luke says in this episode that Buddy and Maisie helped him figure out how to run a diner, but previously Luke said he took over his father’s store and taught himself how to do everything.

Yeah, I never thought the Cheers pilot was as smooth as Erik seems to remember. The exposition is clunky as hell, with everyone seemingly telling Diane their backstory even though, as far as they know, this is a one-time customer who they’ll never see again.

PENNYWISE: Hey Lorelai, you want a balloon?

I wouldn’t say Mrs. Kim was “awful,” exactly. She did love Lane and wanted what was best for her. She was just of a different culture and upbringing, and too set in her ways to let her daughter live a different life than the one she wanted for her. She wasn’t abusive or neglectful or anything, just strict.

… but then she stops being real as soon as she's confronted, thus proving she has no backbone whatsoever. Judging by her account it really was an awful performance full of mistakes, but instead of pointing this out to the angry ballerina Rory just curls up into a ball and shrieks, "Yes, you're right! I'm terrible and

Man, if Sims were still writing these reviews he'd be getting torn to shreds by the comments section right about now, but |I guess Gwen gets a pass.

Worst example of that was when (potential spoilers) Rory justified sleeping with a married Dean by saying he was "my Dean!" like she got there first so he's hers forever now. I think black widows mate like that…

I used to write recaps of the show for Reality News Online, seasons 4 and 5, until the website shut down midway through season 5. It was a task to get through, but making fun of it was enjoyable (and I had a thing for Ivanka at the time too so that helped me through each week).

Agreed— it's why I never got into Married… With Children.

Child does something that most children do not do.
Audience: "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww." (applauds wildly)
Repeat to end credits.

In fairness, Miss Match was actually a really good show— in a better time slot it could have done wonders.

I use it in the deep fryer, myself, as it's the cheapest option and the taste is fine. But for pan frying, I discovered EVOO years ago and never looked back.

It's possible there was an explanation someplace that I missed, but why did the virus bomb affect some people and not others? (Most of the GCPD, all those people drinking at Barbara's bar, etc.) Are some immune to it?

Same here! I bought it while my family and I were on vacation!

Full disclosure: I worked at a Radio Shack years ago. It was a very tiny store in a strip mall that was near my childhood home so I remembered going there when I was little, and the whole store still felt like a relic from that bygone era. We weren't very busy and I think 90 percent of our clientele was senior