The Ghost of Faffner Hall

I blame the return of swing music.

Thirteenth Night

Wow, they showed the "Night on Bald Mountain" sequence from Fantasia… that's pure nightmare fuel for young Ghost right there.

The what-what coming right up, in your neck of the what. Hap!

Not "Billy and the Cloneasaurus?"

He reminded me of a kid I knew from my show choir days who could moonwalk… and that's all he did. Somehow, when he was singing as Frosty the Snowman or a line in "Monster Mash," he would randomly start to moonwalk. I hate to call a kid a one-trick pony, but there you have it.

The first one, with JK Simmons, for the Totino's Activity Pack I beleive it was called. "Oh look, it's a little bee!"

That's the problem with SNL these days though— they hire great impressionists but there's really no call for their impressions. Gone are the days when Darrell Hammond could do a spot-on voice of pretty much everyone in the news in one episode. Nowadays, the only way someone like Melissa can show off her Owen Wilson or

So glad you unearthed this gem— I only saw the episode once but to this day I still find myself singing the "Mr. Peanuts" song to myself.

I Camembert this anymore.

I don't think so. It all came across as genuinely spontaneous and Joan seemed adorably surprised by all of it.

Been there. I was the "Pig Guy" in high school because people knew how much I loved pigs. My friends threw me a surprise party for my 18th birthday and every single gift was pig related (up to and including the cake). I couldn't really be upset because I know they meant well, but at some point you have to put your

I would rather watch all of her characters on a nine-hour loop than watch one more Leslie Jones appearance. Scream, flirt with Colin, talk about how awesome you are, repeat for five interminable minutes, Leslie Jones everybody!

There's a Secretary of Potato Chips? How do i not hold that position? If anything I'm over qualified!

Now that's what I call a hard Cell.

And it's jarring watching the "Vintage" episodes and realizing that this is a fairly new phenomena.

It gets worse— I still remember the episode that showed how Mike and Boner met each other. Mike actually bestowed the nickname upon him, changing it from (and I am not making this up) Dickie.

I wish you were right, but judging by the "Guest Starring" credit on this episode, it's definitely a child.

"Yay, adding a child to the cast always makes things better!"

It really feels like any storyline Erica is in— A, B or otherwise— she was just shoehorned into because the writers had nothing else for her to do. That goes double for this episode, where it felt like she was tagging along with Tandy and Carol like it was some sort of weird third wheel situation. It's like she peaked