The Ghost of Faffner Hall

Not to mention that the first time he read the works of Shakespeare, he seemed to be able to retain every single word of it and recite it all at will. That kid's a damn prodigy.

I'm living proof that this show was appreciated by kids, as it was my ritual for ages to come home from school and turn on a "Three's Company" rerun. Absolutely none of the double entendres hit home for me (after watching the pilot I had to ask my mom what "gay" actually meant), I just remember watching Jack fall over

I have a hard time getting through that one too, but one of the host segments has one of my favorite Crow lines ever— "Ah, would you like some soooup?"

It's funny!

I already knew how to read by that point, but DAMN do I love the reference to one of my favorite hip-hop albums of all time! I give you mad props, as the kids say.

I'm adopted— I can convince myself that my parents were just really good friends. It works for me.

A year watching cartoons for a scene that lasted what, five minutes tops? That's some amazing dedication to your craft.

You get a line and I'll get a pole, and we'll go fishin' by the crawdad hole…

I can't help but feel disheartened when I've been in the same position for five and a half years and still haven't gotten promoted, yet Alex goes from coffee barista to Assistant manager to Manager in the span of thirty minutes. I know it's a sitcom and not grounded in reality, but still… depresses me.

Yup, it's what I call the "Murder She Wrote Rule": the most recognizable guest star is always the guilty party.

Future Buzzfeed article: "The 24 Greatest Moments From Britney Ever After "

Amen to number one. Whenever a new Dark Tower book would come out I used to make guesses as to how many times I would read "We are ka-tet, we are one from many." I mean jesus, dude, we get it already.

I don't know why it still surprises Dennis when Leslie Jones cracks up in a sketch. She only does it every damn show… when she's not royally fucking up her lines, that is.

"Ever see a film called 'How To Murder Your Wife,' Major?… Jolly good film, I saw it six times."

You really think 15-20 years from now anyone is going to remember Sia's "Chandelier"?

I can't really fault Crowe for that though— at least he had energy and enthusiasm and seemed to be enjoying himself some of the time, which is more than you can say for some of those mentioned here.

But I am just a simple merchant in… this town!

What can I say? I dare to be stupid

Fuckin' magnets. How do they work?

I agree. I never watched much Chapelle's Show, as I tried it once but it wasn't my thing, and all I could think was, this is it? This is the guy people call such a comic genius? Maybe it was the wrong setting, or the rust he talked about, but he just seemed to me to be very awkward and stumbling all show. I liked the