The Ghost of Faffner Hall

My local station cut off a few seconds coming back from commercial, so all I heard was Holt saying "Tell that to the Dutch Hookbill." I was extremely confused. Thanks for the clarification!

Here in Canada our retro station, DejaView, aired reruns for a brief time recently. Then they just stopped.

Fun fact— I used to have that song on an Animaniacs CD, and the line on there was changed to, "It's Clinton first name Hillary!" I wonder if that was a tad too controversial for television but on a CD it could slip by unnoticed?

I think it used both.

One episode of HI that still bugs me a little every time I think of it: Jill comes down with a cold on Super Bowl Sunday, and she all but demands that Tim cancel his planned party in order to take care of her. I mean, I realize marriage is a partnership and I'm all for supporting my spouse if there's a real problem,

No, if I remember right it was the episode where Homer goes to space— the clip is ued as NASA's justification for finding a normal male to send up, since dumb white men are so prevalent on TV nowadays, or something like that.

Born and raised Calgarian as well, and I got a kick out of that joke too. I actually rewound it and watched it again because I always feel a bit of pride when my hometown is mentioned on TV. I'm weird like that.

I've stopped in Hope several times on my way to Vancouver. Looks like a crappy little place, really. I had no idea Kinsella lived there.

Yup— similar to how James Randi exposed Peter Popoff as a fraud and a phony years ago, and yet he's still raking in money hand over fist from gullible sheeple.

Higgins is in there, at about 1:20 or so ("She's a pencil.")

I don't remember that part either. The doctor must have been the boy, because I remember the girl grew up to be an author… who coincidentally was doing a book signing nearby or something and Gabi ran into her at the library.

Wait what?? I thought I remembered that entire story arc, but I have no memory of this part whatsoever.

I didn't think it was so baaaaaa-d.

Sesame Street premiered in 1969, not 1971.

And Gina was already singing like she was an old maid, something like "When is it going to be me?" despite the fact she was like 20 at the time.

Jesus, I don't even want to think about the Wiig sketches that DIDN'T make it to air! Or the Sandler ones, for that matter.

"…Ferrell had a tendency to do the "yelling is inherently funny" bit…"

I believe she did quit, yes. It was a shame, I liked her a lot. But when the lead female role in every last sketch is given over to Kristen Wiig and her signature bug-eyed mugging, what chance do you have?

Lenny and Squiggy! I had blocked that sketch from my memory entirely, but it all came back to me reading your comment— that was on the John Travolta episode, and the sketch was "Quentin Tarantino's 'Welcome Back, Kotter.' " Not the worst idea, and if I remember right Mike Myers did a passable Gabe Kaplan impression.

"I don't know how many times I've told them, never call chicks 'broads.' "