The Ghost of Faffner Hall

Not only was Herb a diligent and competent worker, he actually spurned Jennifer's advances! I was always amazed he could even pretend to do that.

Agreed, she never got enough credit for her comic timing. I still recall fondly the episode where she pretended to be a total dimwit, complete with a stereotypical airhead voice (they were trying to fool an old friend of Andy's, but for what reason I no longer remember). Her sudden transition was so unexpected that I

Me too. I maintain that would have been a funnier scene.

I'm sure it wasn't intentional on SNL's part, but the sketch with "your uncle's friend Terry" reminded me of the loved one challenge during the second season of The Mole, when every contestant got to have a tearful, hug-filled reunion with their mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, etc… except for Bill, who shared an


Had at least one in Alberta too.

Yeah, that one was glaringly obvious. Moynihan is talking about how "you two guys" are hard to find, and he's only talking to one guy. You can even see the table bump and the glass shake when Rudnitsky finally jumps into his seat while Moynihan is talking.

I was more concerned with how he got so much crap moved from his home in Texas… and why his mom let him keep it all to begin with.

Hi yooooooooo!!!

I hadn't seen that news clip before— it actually made me enjoy the sketch more. In fact, the clip was funnier.

I agree about the complimenting them. Whenever a beautiful woman is on the show, I always try and guess in my head whether the first thing out of his mouth is "You look fantastic," or "You look gorgeous." (It's mostly the first one)

Did Sherlock call Marcus an imbecile, or did I just misread that scene?

That's not really true, though. I always saw Muppet Movie as their origin story, then skip to the third film and Manhattan was the next step in their story, of what they did after graduating college together and how they made their mark in show business. Everything else (Caper, Christmas Carol, Treasure Island) was a

But guess who is? Hall of Famer Rod Carew!

Yeah, what the hell was up with that anyway? Weirdest cameo ever. It's like someone at NBC insisted she be on TV more, even if it's an out-of-place comedy bit on a FBI procedural drama.

I hated her, frankly. I get that she has anxiety issues and all that, but she runs out on Raj by sneaking out of the bathroom window—twice— and then dumps him rather than try going to a party with other people there (even though she's done it before— they met at a party at the comic book store). And after he did so

I'll probably stay with it to the end, since I've invested this much time in it, but I agree with you that babies are more often than not a death sentence for TV shows. Writers really paint themselves into a corner with couples, because sooner or later they realize every couple has to get married (in TV World, at

You're forgetting about Kate Micucci's character, whose name escapes me at the moment.

Yeah, at least they tried to explain that one. On the other hand I remember several episodes of Modern Family when Cam and Mitchell were somewhere and Lily just… wasn't.

Eh— sing it in the style of "Sixteen Going On Seventeen" and you may have something there.