
Yup. *You* don’t care about his teammates. You child does, though. TBH, though, what should really happen is that things are more structured, as in “be home by 5pm for dinner” or “dinner is in 45 minutes” so the kid can plan with the parameters given and nobody is caught in the middle of a game.

I’ll second that. Or just, I don’t know, choose not to have kids if the idea of pretend playing with them brings out such strong emotions of hatred.

I’m nor fond of this cultural expectation that one is expected to murder one’s inner child in one’s late teens.

Playing pretend with my kid and his toys is just as fun as it was playing Ghostbusters & Barbie meet the Dino Riders at the Museum of Natural History with my sisters and our dad when we were kids. I have as much fun as my dad did decades ago, and I have the proof because he taped it all on his massive VHS camera.

Because I want to, and this is the internet?

I suspect that’s not really the reason you do it. That’s just something you thought of to justify your behavior to yourself.

Yes, it’s someone’s job to pickup carts left by assholes. That doesn’t mean it is their only job, just the job they have to do when assholes visit the store. Same goes for people who deposit their garbage in overflowing street bins instead of taking it home like a normal person. Or toss their butts on the sidewalk. Or

I think that person’s job is actually to go out to the cart corral and bring all of the carts back into the store. It is not strictly to first wander all over the parking lot collecting abandoned carts and then bring them in.

Ill stick with my $25 Belkin router from 10 years ago running Tomato Firmware.

Ill stick with my $25 Belkin router from 10 years ago running Tomato Firmware.

And for the people in the back, a mask will not only catch many particles (reducing the number of them) but also the distance from you they might spread because it reduces the force of the breath carrying them.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

pleease no underweear/sock/boob/shoe money.

Helicopter mom circa 2000.

As an aside, what are you really fighting for when you demand to keep a word that a large group of people is bothered by, or that a group of experts finds pejorative?”

I’m not saying this in support or opposition to any specific terms here, but I’m always confused by the guys who try to use etymology as a reason to keep using a word. Language changes, always and forever. Terms can develop new meanings, lose old ones, or change in a million other ways. Just that fact that you have to

Lets talk about the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

They were BAD. They were bad in a way that would make the Baltimore and LAPD just whistle in admiration. They were complicit in providing intelligence to paramilitaries to use in bombings, targeted attacks and assassinations. Say what you want about the US police and the

God this Fox News RESPECT R TREWPS dogshit is embarrassing.

I have heard people use the word “dethaw” unironically.

Washing machine to thaw frozen food!? That’s ludicrous everyone knows the safest fastest way to dethaw frozen food is putting it in a ziplock freezer bag and then dropping it into your toilet. The trick here is you have to keep flushing to agitate the frozen food because as we all know your food won’t be unfrozen