
“It’s like paying $60 for the microphone and getting one (or more!) free games with it!”

“It’s like paying $60 for the microphone and getting one (or more!) free games with it!”

Go with the buds that have a hook physically wrapping around your ear.  Usually marketed as “sport earbuds.”  I don’t know why they’re not more popular (I guess people find them a little unsightly?), but they’re way more comfortable, won’t fall out, and still very pocketable.

Go with the buds that have a hook physically wrapping around your ear.  Usually marketed as “sport earbuds.”  I

the Bronco is actually delivered already on its side

I finally added up all the money I dumped into the market as we rode our way down and I am actually in the green compared to Jan 1 now so when we actually recover that should look even nicer. Going to wait to see if it drops a bit more before I fire the rest of my ammo though (aside from normal 401k/HSA investments).

Beth, this article is so timely and necessary. I know the quarantine is wearing on all of us, but continuing to isolate is very important.

“Live like you have it, not like you had it.”

This is worse than bullshit. This seriously hurts Giz/Kinja’s (already shaky) reputation. This is pushing junk science. You should be ashamed. You should be punished. You should maybe be fired.

This is worse than bullshit. This seriously hurts Giz/Kinja’s (already shaky) reputation. This is pushing junk

Is this an Exclusive because everybody else had the sense not to peddle this shit on their sites?  

Is this an Exclusive because everybody else had the sense not to peddle this shit on their sites?  

What harmful radiation?

What harmful radiation?

Tinfoil hats are available?

Tinfoil hats are available?

Cellular signals are NON IONIZING and have been proven again and again to not harm your body (unless you bump up the strength so much you take damage from the heat, but that would require 1000x the transmission power. This crap case does nothing to protect anyone, and like ninjapotetmos said, if it did work it would

Cellular signals are NON IONIZING and have been proven again and again to not harm your body (unless you bump up the

agreed! this is ridiculous product claim that Gizmodo should not be promoting. I have some crystals that can protect you from radiation too if you’re willing to spend money on this.

additionally - IF this case were blocking radiation, it would be doing it on the side away from your head (if talking on the phone) which

agreed! this is ridiculous product claim that Gizmodo should not be promoting. I have some crystals that can protect

Insane people are literally setting fire to 5g towers because they think it’s causing coronavirus, and you dumb fucks are pushing this scientifically bankrupt bullshit? What in the fuck.

Insane people are literally setting fire to 5g towers because they think it’s causing coronavirus, and you dumb

Please learn the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

Please learn the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

Can you get me a deal on homeopathy next? I mean, since we’re selling snake oil and whatnot.

Can you get me a deal on homeopathy next? I mean, since we’re selling snake oil and whatnot.

This website is really starting to turn into Goop, don’t make it seem like cell phone radiation is damaging to us.

This website is really starting to turn into Goop, don’t make it seem like cell phone radiation is damaging to us.

So, a phone case that blocks radio waves. Fucking genius.

So, a phone case that blocks radio waves. Fucking genius.

What is this bullshit tin-foil nonsense? Might as well sell crystal to align your chakras or snake oil to cure your gout.

What is this bullshit tin-foil nonsense? Might as well sell crystal to align your chakras or snake oil to cure your

Bullshit. If the cover is really protecting you from radiation, it is reducing the range and coverage of your fancy $1K iphone.

Bullshit. If the cover is really protecting you from radiation, it is reducing the range and coverage of your fancy

So you guys are hawking snake oil now?

So you guys are hawking snake oil now?