
So unless a parent happens to be home, those school/doctor calls are going to an unattended phone instead of an actual person.

We always joke that “I’ll have to run this up there flagpole” (ask permission from higher-ups) means “go piss up a flagpole”.

That’s a dangerous game: If your family is anything like mine, there’s a 50/50 chance that they’ll only read the titles and misread/misremember them as Gifts That Foodies Like

That’s actually really dangerous. This venture should have included stops at the safety harness aisle, the orange flashing light aisle and the hi-vis vest aisle at the very least.

God told both of them that? He sounds like a real asshole!

The best thing you can do for your child is appreciate and support them for the person they are, not the person you want them to be. Stop comparing them to yourself. Drop the expectations you have for milestones, achievements, school, career path, etc. It’s okay if they’re not “gifted”. They don’t need to go to the

I think the author misunderstood the idea behind the concept: The linked article discusses aligning your A/C schedule with off-peak electrical rates for cost savings and better grid efficiency, not warmer/cooler outdoor temps. They actually mentioned that solar users should run it midday to take advantage of peak

Shipping can make sense if you have oversized gear for camping, skiing, etc but I don’t get the bias against checking bags. Baggage claims aren’t a major inconvenience (although I travel with 2 kids who require a good 15 minutes for bathroom, snacks, etc)  and gate checking is fine.

Plantlife and Bee City USA cite studies that found a significant increase in both flowers and pollinators . . .

South Dakota has the Badlands, Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills which are major stops for folks traveling to Yellowstone from the Midwest. 

Protip: You don’t need the special light panel; the red flags will convert any light source to the proper wavelength.


I notice that he was not flying out of Bozeman's dedicated private jet terminal.

Potted plants are great but are they sponge worthy?

You can often find a non-paywall version by pasting the URL at archive.org.

Who is this for, anyway? I don’t know anyone who has the confidence to delete things without a safety, can’t be bothered to empty the recycle bin but would take the initiative to delete it.

We had goats when I was a little kid, and for some reason I always remembered their size as “tall enough to look me in the eye”. I was about 5'5" when I figured out why you never see goats that are as big as cows anymore.

Why is there a uterus on that truck?


In the video you can see the plastic bulging up when it flushes, which means it might be building up a certain amount of pressure by itself. Whether that’s enough to handle a real clog is the question. I also have to wonder if it’s pushing air up the overflow pipe into the tank.