
Glad that it worked out for you. Congratulations on having the magical ability to reason with 18 month olds.

To easily send someone sensitive data without a permanent copy of that data hanging around.

Well, then, I guess my plan to survive a flash flood by getting in the tub and closing the shower curtain is out.

How could someone even think this would work?

Context: Fish and shrimp restaurant
Loose translation: Any person making two tacos from one will be billed twice.

Hey, nowhere there does it instruct you to be black. No idea where Bennett got the idea he could do that.

I’m not sure when the military and police decided they had exclusive claim to the American Flag and the National Anthem, but it’s long past time we put them in their place. Kneeling during the Anthem is not disrespecting military service. The Anthem represents our country, not the military. Our flag does not represent

So wait...you’re telling me Michael Bennett had the audacity to run away and hide when he thought there was an active shooter in the area? If only he had followed the standard law enforcement advice on what to do if there’s an active shooter.

To those complaining that an earlier start time better prepares kids for the “real world”: wouldn’t an 8 or 9am start time better match the schedule of a typical office job? I know not every job is an office job, but I would lean toward an 8 or 9am start time for work being far more common than 6 or 7.

Giving that much a of shit about pumpkin spice either way is basic. If you like it, enjoy it. If you don’t, avoid it. There’s no need for discussion.

As a VTer (or Canadian, upstate NYer, Mainer, New Hampshirian) will tell you, pancake syrup is not maple syrup.

Let people enjoy what they like and get over it? What are you, a fucking Communist? Or a Dodgers fan? Either way, GTFO with that bullshit.

I probably dislike the bitching about pumpkin spice more than I dislike pumpkin spice itself, which is alright when I’m in the right mood and it’s chilly out. Just let people enjoy what they like and get over it.

When was this written? Most of the north east is unseasonably cold, so “No matter where you are in the United States, this weekend has probably been hot, really hot.” is a bad way to start. If you can’t check the weather, why would we take health advice from you?

I’m chalking this up to people who are actually trying get pregnant and are really anxious about fertility issues. Even a doctor’s visit is part of the plan, there’s probably parenting forums bursting at the seams with home remedies and old wive’s tales about how to make it work.

Why be so invested in an outdated state of “professional world”? I work as an engineer at one of the biggest companies in the world, and I could see this happening in a meeting of peers/direct discussion with a manager. Start there, build trust, get to executives once people are on your side.

I had a cat once who would ONLY eat Fancy Feast Classic. If it was Grilled, Gravy Lovers, or any other variety of Fancy Feast (or, god forbid, another brand entirely) it would rot in his bowl. I tried the standoff technique once and the little shit didn’t eat for three days and I finally gave in.

Eh, obviously not a good OOO message for external contacts, but internal? I suppose it depends on the workplace but I think for a lot of people it would fly.