
I find sitting sideways to be worse — especially on DC Metro. Of course, it helps if the track isn’t on fire that day.

It’s the classic run to the sides argument the same one they dont listen to in cartoons when running away from falling things. Same thing applies its very simple but it can save your life. just knowing this may keep you from being overcome by panic because you know what to do, so it works two fold

i think you just made someone spit up their double macchiato with almond milk

You missed the fact that the U.S. isn’t the center of the goddamn universe and just because things aren’t fantastic in your neck of the woods doesn’t mean the world is ending.

Often dishes with foreign names have an English description of what the food is underneath. So if you ask for the chicken with lemon juice and rosemary, they’ll know what it is if they know the menu like they’re supposed to. You can point to it as you do this and if they’re not sure, they can look over your shoulder

And thus, a moment of silence for all those who commented on these crappy hacks, and their comments were still not allowed by the editor.

Neither, if you do have a menu. Your surest way to win is to point at the line on the menu.

“uhhh, this one” **points**

Forte is entirely its own word in American English at this point, and you’re no longer correct.

That’s another thing to look out for! Great source of information, and a good resource to take into the voting booth with you.

I take the bus to work. Nice, big, clean coach type express bus from my little suburban neighborhood to my office in the city. Heated in winter, nice a/c in the summer. 40 minute ride, short walk to the office from my stop. The stop I need to get home at night is even closer to my office. I screw around on my phone

That’s a good thing, though. A smooth transition of merging cars is the best-case scenario for reducing traffic. If everyone has to brake to let cars in, then it slows down traffic for everyone behind them. Obviously, the person doing the braking might be a dick and not care, but there’s inevitably another dick ahead

Remember the quote from George Carlin, “Anyone who drives slower than you is an asshole...and anyone who drives faster than you is a maniac”

The video suggests leaving an empty buffer zone, but that’s not some fancy traffic alleviation technique. That’s good old-fashioned following distance. If you’re looking for a special technique, there are some variations on how to use this following distance.

Can you kick that idiot, BigSkipDog, now? Their language and attitude is unbecoming of Lifehacker commentators. Plus, you know, there is nothing wrong with you using the banhammer on idiots. :)

I found when I was driving what should have been a 24~ minute commute that was taking 1.5hr~ a day due to traffic, if I keep about 5-7 car lengths between myself and the driver ahead of me and maintain their same speed, everything is much less stressful. I don’t particularly feel like I’m making that much of a

Also, an optional nice bit of gear to have is of the 4-legged canid variety. Ours was most efficient when it comes to disposing of stray Cheerios or peas that my daughter gleefully tossed on the floor as she transitioned to solid foods. Barkuuming for the win!

I like the approach of moving the conversation this way:

No, engine braking is the main reason to have shift buttons on a truck, almost the only one unless you count not having to mash the gas for a downshift going up grades. It’s very important when towing.

Thank you for saying this.