
Even more than that, you can schedule your payment as a direct debit to be taken out whenever you want. You can do your taxes in February, schedule your payment for April 15th, and walk away.

You’re not “stuck in traffic”, you ARE traffic!

What’s the problem? Just fix it, dude. That’s your job.

Sometimes the thermostat settings are just plain stupid.

Somehow the discussion here got completely off the rails of office warmth and ethics, and onto keeping warm in bed.

The correct answer is hot water bottle.

The one shown in that 4+ year Giz article, which inspired me, is about $20. $20 and it keeps my heating bill WAY down in the winter, especially when it’s below zero

I used to do the reverse at Michaels (the craft store).

I manage a few employees that are constantly working with our payroll department, insisting on having them deduct an additional $20 in taxes so they won’t get dinged when April comes around. I keep telling them, “Take that $20, put it in an account that makes literally any interest above 0%, and not only will you have

“ That kind of idea comes either from people who struggle with math or people who are trying to mislead you.”

Yes they can. That doesn’t negate the fact that there is a concerted effort to mislead the public about tax policy. Case in point, recently Carly Fiorina during one of the GOP debates said ““There are 73,000 pages in the tax code” which is not even close to being true. The 2015 tax code 4968 pages. If you include

If you dont know 5 of the 6 things on this list and you are an adult with adult responsibilities, I am afraid for you.

I am going to over-explain this because I know a great many people who are ALWAYS confused by this concept, so forgive me if it seems like I’m beating a dead horse. I had a friend who actually deliberately avoided making “too much” money because they were near the next tax bracket and worried about the increase. That

I have some very smart friends that said they didn’t want a raise because they didn’t want to get bumped to the next tax bracket— thinking ALL their income was subject to that higher rate. I was shocked... SHOCKED. I can’t believe how prevalent this myth continues to be...

The only people this discourages are people who don’t know how tax brackets work.

Yeah, there’s nothing like the discouragement of making more money, when you could have been making even *more* money!

The main thing to keep in mind...plan for wealth creation and don’t focus on lowering taxes as the main goal. Remember, if you owe taxes on investments it means you MADE money which is a good thing. Don’t be afraid of taxes and avoid saving altogether as that hurts more.

My understanding is that recycling does not cost taxpayers or homeowners because it’s paid for on the other end. Trash, on the other hand, has nobody to pay for it on the other end so it costs the homeowner/municipality.

Whoa, what’s with the hostility?

What recycling facilities can handle varies wildly, even other Recology ones. so please don’t suggest that the word of one employee applies everywhere.

If your recycling facility requests that you rinse, then rinse. Seems simple enough.