Dothraki Leadership - Fired!


Pretty sure all the gravitons are located near that one thermal exhaust port that blows up the entire station if you hit it with a missile...but you could keep it alive with unicorn blood.

Let’s see - the title mentions “theoretical megastructures” and each of the structures listed has some sort of scientific theory of operation.

I just find the framing forced and unnecessary

I don’t practice Riveria

I think it’ll be interesting to see whether we buy one, or just hire one when needed. It’ll be better than those Enterprise Rent-a-car commercials where they come pick you up, because the van will just drive to where you are, and then just take you where you’re going.

I keep getting sent to the first comment posted by the person I’m replying to...urgghhh

Donald Trump has won a LOT of arguments (as have most politicians)

Oh. Fuck. No.

Why do we keep pretending that humans, who are responsible for 30,000+ traffic fatalities per year, are better at piloting a vehicle than computers like the ones that actually fly the B2 bomber, and have had ONE crash since the 1980's?

I’d love to see a simulation flow test...

Not a very good selfie stick, eh?

All of what you’re saying is true, but the points you make are (mostly) about tactics TODAY. You kind of have to look at strategies - which is what SW has exploited over the years to become the largest U.S. carrier at one time, and remain one of the only carriers to stay profitable thru 9/11 and 2008 setbacks.

I’ll send a few pieces - just include $3,598,672 for shipping & handling

That’s why my porn stash is in stone

one reason why I think Southwest is so cheap is that they offer a LOT

Thank you, we’ll be here all week - and don’t forget to tip your waitress!

Well I guess he shouldn’t have declared loyalty to Hydra, then

So I just got a brand new hole in my body, and now you want to insert an artificial phallus in that hole and squirt little sponges out of the end.

Unless they design and build an entirely proprietary new system from the ground up