Dothraki Leadership - Fired!

IKR? We get stories that they’re ineffectual from the same people that cut funding for the agency, and then call the heads into hearings to testify why lines are long...

Seriously - spotting a liar in the middle of campaign season? I just listen for the telltales - anyone who mentions the name of someone running for office or says “...and I approve of this message.”

Interesting. A lot of this thread goes to vision (I’ve worn glasses since age 10, and my wife doesn’t understand why I won’t have surgery...)

Almost - grew up around cars and race tracks as a small child. So those things always had value. Aptitude started to manifest as a teen, around spacial perception. True that the two can’t really be separated.

Never buy it when some researcher comes out with “there are only three good places to live in the entire country!”

Way, way, back in the day, we had this thing called aptitude.

I’m sure you’re missed right now over at Yahoo! comments, Mr. Trump

I’m in a California state of mind, obviously, from the mountains, to the desert, to the sea (and you can do these in one day if you want...)

Quality of life is the dog-whistle for limited numbers of minorities, LGBT, immigrants, liberals, and poor people in general.

The impression that non-historians have that this era was primitive is false.

Dear world powers. We see you guys driving around in Ukraine and building islands in the South China Sea. So we’re gonna build a shitload of F-35's that we’ll sell to every country you’re fucking with. And then we’re gonna build a new fleet of undetectable nuclear-capable stealth bombers that you’ll never see coming.

I find the Purple Rain method preferable...

You left out Friends...

I’m sure that sprinting in a hurricane is more challenging, but no thanks

Add distracted drivers that don’t look up until others start honking

Well it does seem like a hoot to barrel around in old junkers. But I guess what’s frightening is that they’re old junkers - that can be expected to break down. I imagine that some of the breakdowns are hilarious, but it’s painful to see one like yours. (I am glad to hear they take safety seriously, though.)

I actually try not to read about the Lemons races. We do a lot of inherently dangerous activities as a society, and part of the deal is that we take any and all reasonable steps to make those activities as safe as possible. Otherwise, football, boxing, martial arts, skydiving, and yes, auto racing would have

My personal fear is a scenario I witnessed several months ago, where unruly pedestrians blocked the path and harassed the occupants of the car. Worried about what happens when would-be carjackers figure out that all they have to do is step in front of the car...

Seriously, I experienced all of those things just driving home from work last night. My favorite is an official thing in L.A. where you have to swerve right (as in out of the actual left-turn lane) in order to make a left turn.

You assume that will people will own autonomous cars, vs just using them as needed like taxis or Ubers.