Dothraki Leadership - Fired!

Clue #2: Their lips are moving.

Basically this, which is why a nice city like Mobile doesn’t make the list.

Clue #1: they are a politician.

US Set To Try Launching Top Secret Spy Satellite Again

I only

Much better than the yellow snow method!

I enjoy watching depressing commentary on the state of our society, religious or otherwise. Cf: Breaking Bad, Orphan Black, The Americans, Preacher, The Walking Dead, Person of Interest, and any number of other shows.

I’m glad you’re starting to get better. Love your writing.

Did you keep the car on the track because you knew you’d get flagged by the Judges for pulling off and driving the car in the grass?

I really like 24HoursOfLemons. It’s what got me into racing. Sadly, it’s accidents like this and the Miata accident a few months

i was expecting the car to somehow tip over...... im kinda disapointed

“If you don’t suck the poison out, he’s going to die.”

Fold the door!

Oh wow! There is an audio track on the website of the author reading it, and i just sat and listened to the whole thing. its quite long, but it was so moving and almost made me cry at least twice. highly recommended.

The mandolin is a wonderful tool, however, it is extremely dangerous and easy to hurt yourself VERY badly. I highly recommend the use of Kevlar/steel cut resistant gloves when using one. From personal experience it is very easy to filet a finger even for experienced users. All it takes is a split second ... and bam

Be careful out there; vary from the recommended pressure by even half a psi, and this could be your car crashing.

No, they resolve pretty much all of the hanging plot threads. They knew they were staring cancellation in the eye by the time it was filmed, so no cliffhanger there. RIP Limitless: you were too good for CBS.

the show has been canceled after CBS failed to find another platform or network to sell the series to.

Right... fight. You probably believed Mom and Dad were “just wrestling” too.

This seems like an ideal time to mention that no fewer than three of my friends wrecked their cars on their way home from that movie. One was in a Mirage, one in a CRX, and of course, one was in a Mustang. Some things never change.

Can you imagine the number of videos there will be online the morning after?

So the newest replay of one of the oldest science fiction stories, Frankenstein. And likely it will also be misinterpreted as “Man shouldn’t play God” when the real message should be, “If you bring new life into this world, it’s your responsibility to nurture it.”