
You know, we humans have a system of emotions that evolved to get us through the hunter-gatherer era. It has not yet evolved to account for guns: objects that make it really easy to eliminate what our emotional systems wrongly tell us are threats to our existence.

Wow! I made a difference today! I’m going home!

[OBG must have a concussion to think that was worth sharing]

I believe he underestimated the effect of that hit.

Add a comma and it makes more sense.

The finale of Mr. Robot, USA’s hacker thriller starring Rami Malek and Christian Slater, will be postponed because the episode contains a scene similar to the August 26 shooting in Roanoke, Virginia, according to Variety.

I will always and forever be #TeamOldManWhoYellsAtClouds


hey clover, jack u is the name of the duo comprised of skrillex and diplo. just clarifying.

I get that he looks like a grumpy gramps here, but he's not wrong.

Between this and nyancar, I think I might be #TeamDeadmau5?

Good question. I’m not particularly emotive either. Not out of restraint, just usually nothing to emote.

i feel like i usually dislike restrained people at first but then usually end up changing my opinion the more i get to know them

You should also seriously consider that you are either an alcoholic or becoming close to being one. If you can’t do your job in a sober, responsible way, then you are headed for trouble.

Pro tip: Don’t drink if you have to go to work next morning.

Wow, thanks so much for this, Leslie. This will really help me on those tough mornings at my job.


Oh Notre Dame....Oh Notre Dame...

doxing self; whatevs