Oh hi there
Oh hi there
I will not care about that Panda baby until it grows hair and looks adorable.
No, even ice princesses are capable of facial expressions. She’s more of an android. Whoever programmed her musical voice synthesis module is, however, to be commended.
I’ve tried to explain this before, people. He’s not butt dialing and he’s not having a stroke. He’s the world’s foremost Twitter Acronymologist.
No matter how much Anna Kendrick wants to convince me she has emotions, her face says otherwise.
Mexican here. Hate to say it, but it’s “habanero.” No ñ.
this is all i have
I ship them so hard.
Shanks but no shanks
But you only sneak in two - MAYBE three - that way. She wants to bring like a bazillion dildos in. As we all do.
Oh no, where will I keep my extensive collection of dildos that I bring to the movie? Is a good old-fashioned pervert supposed to just stay home and watch Neftlix now? Our society is letting all joy fall to the wayside.
Yeah Okay.
That seems like an appropriate charge. Now, let’s just hope that they put her in the appropriate (i.e. women’s) facility, if jail ends up being where she goes.
REAL TALK: andsmokeit sent this to me earlier this morning and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same.
I’m really glad this video came out. A real problem that Hillary Clinton’s campaign has had is that she hasn’t really done any public events, which allows her to escape the scrutiny of actual activists from all walks of life-including the BLM folks. She’s insulated herself against any possible confrontations, while…
larry wilmore’s piece on this was amazing
nah that only works if you’re from Chicago
vote for Deez Nuts
Claire Foy (who also played Anne Boleyn