
Mike Taylor, of Sauropod Vertebrae Picture of the Week, has been covering this pretty aggressively, too. They basically don't run Sauropod Vertebrae pictures anymore.

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His other video, from the same day, explains the "basic rocket science" a lot better.

This is not correct. Triceratops is the name with seniority. Torosaurus is the name that would end up in the wastebasket, and Triceratops would remain.

A number of the chemicals used in aquariums are labelled "not for use with fish intended for human consumption". I don't know if that's because they're known to be toxic to humans, or if it's just because the FDA hasn't gotten around to even evaluating their toxicity in the first place . . . but until I knew the

I suppose that's why the shooting script for Star Wars makes it clear that . . . oh, wait, it doesn't.

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"Cousteau Ocean Adventures" has a video of a hammerhead eating a gray reef shark, and there are other, poorer quality videos of hammerheads eating other sharks on YouTube. I suspect the photographers were claiming this is the first ever photo of a *wobblegong* eating another shark, not the first photo of *any* shark

That may be the first "caught in the act" photo, but this just-after-the-fact photo is still horrifying . . ..

Nope. There really isn't any more to the story. They just thought his idea was so ridiculous that it was disgraceful for him to even suggest it. He was mocked by one of the biggest names in chemistry as a "quasi-scientist" (a play on "quasi-crystal") and the criticism of his ridiculous idea was so loud and public

From my own experience teaching science in the F-state of Oregon, illiteracy is a greater barrier to science education than poor math instruction could ever be.

In social insects, the general rule is "each caste member's brain is only built to do what that caste member does, and is reduced in any other areas." In wasps, the size of each area and lobe of the queen and/or worker brains vary species-to-species based on how that species' roles are distributed among the castes.

Serious question, because I don't know exactly how Nature's review and publication process works. Was this peer-reviewed? It's an "article" on the Nature site, and this io9 writeup refers to it as a "comment piece". Neither of those sounds like an actual paper, so I'm wondering . . . does the journal "Nature" run

. . . you never . . . realign?

Many other animals DO smell well enough to smell in stereo . . . from certain fish to rats . . . and so it's possible (perhaps even probable) that many of our ancestors had compelling, orientation-by-smell advantages to having two nostrils.

Interesting theory. That might well happen in more stories than we realize . . ..

Erstwhile Tales just drew the whole thing, if you're interested in the pretty, condensed version.

Lot of good points in here.

Forget bloating . . . hollow one out and you've got a perfect raptor-Viking boat.

They found this skull among 70,000 other mammal bones (including 1600 wolf bones), in what was primarily a hyena den (visited occasionally by humans), so most of the bones represent hyena kills.

If you're really interested in separating genetic behaviors from learned/cultural ones in humans, you should be drawing from as culturally-diverse a pool as possible. A sampling of two Midwestern universities is going to be remarkably homogenous (American, college-aged, of an income and education level and mindset