
Here’s my hopes for the Waititi Star Wars movie: The Phantom Menace, but actually good. A movie that embraces Star Wars’ pulp and comics roots — underwater and flying cities, warriors riding bizarre monsters, shiny spaceships, bizarre landscapes never seen on Earth, colorfully attired demigod-like heroes and villains —

You shitheads literally elected a game show host.

I know the point is to depict how actually difficult is to create one, but... seriously nobody tried Electrode?

Holy fuck...that’s real!


Multiple teams, combined with 50-hour workweeks.

“Its four legs were positioned directly below its body.”

The natural history museum in San Diego was asked to come up with a new more marketable name. The people they paid to come up with a new name came up with “the Nat”.

The Tyrannosaurus rex individuals that this ankylosaur could have come into contact with would be time-traveling tyrannosaurids, which are the scariest kind.

There’s some evidence that psittacosaurs, the basal group to the ceratopsians (horned dinosaurs), and long bristles, at least on the tail. So there’s at least one ornithischian quadruped.

Did any of these ornithischian quadrupeds have feathers?

Always happy to see a new ankylosaurid, but a new dinosaur out of Grand Staircase-Escalante is even better. That place is a goldmine.

There hasn’t been a good Jurassic Park movie since the first one. Seriously, this isn’t a “TLJ sux” type of take. The movies after the original are just not entertaining. Ask yourself - do you really remember any pivotal scenes/moments from any of the sequels? Like something truly iconic, or even just really

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

I just wish they’d show us how he became this. What could possibly happen in a child’s life to warp him so?!?

Paleontologists say the feathers helped on regulating the creature’s temperature. Based on their surface area relative to the rest, they calculate it was 20% cooler.

Are we sure she was seated next to Beckham, Jr.? I ask because we have no evidence suggesting Lena Dunham can tell black people apart.

There really aren't any "real examples," though - the best you can do is find things with roughly that ratio.

It usually makes me nervous when scientists switch from peer-reviewed journals to books for consumption by the general public . . . or rather, makes me nervous when those scientists are advocating theories that are still strongly debated back in the peer-reviewed journals.