
Clearly, she shattered her pelvis and 3 lumbar vertebrae in the previous panel. It's amazing that she can maintain her composure enough to deliver a short speech (and focus on the issue at hand) while in so much pain. Psylocke's strength is an inspiration to us all.

Nobody was talking about a generalized "nature", nor about "appreciation". Elements of the natural world have always been beautiful to people of all cultures. Some find mountains beautiful, others love valleys, or hills, or plains, or all of the above. Some love the rain, some love the sun, some both. Some love

Play it with people you get along with, though . . . as the author points out, it can be an amplifier for petty slights. But it is fun.

Everyone enjoys what is beautiful to them, but "what is beautiful" is a pliable, subjective thing. There are a few "universals", sure . . . a young, symmetrical, smooth-skinned human face . . . but as to nature, I think it must come down to what this or that aspect of nature means to people. The ocean is beautiful

That's helpful, thank you. My reaction to reading Twilight was similar to NomadicScribe's reaction to this author, so I wondered if there were similarities.

I say this not as snark: have you read Twilight? Is Amanda Hocking's stuff any worse than that even-more-popular runaway hit series?

Early childhood memories were never the most reliable things to begin with. I remember my wooden dinosaur skeletons coming to life and dancing around my desk. I remember green ghostly cowboys galloping across my pillow in the middle of the night. I remember my bedroom being like 30 feet across and 50 feet high. I

The abstract of the study you linked to says "these changes could be attributed to the attention the patients received".

Yeah, there's nothing innate about that. When food is scarce, and a plowed forest could mean surviving the next winter or drought . . . or when predators are abundant, and a plowed forest could mean not being eaten by wolves . . . or when bandits are abundant, and a plowed forest could mean not being robbed and

Even if the odds of surviving are 50-50, "odds of surviving" is not nearly the same as "odds of walking away from immediately afterward, relatively unscathed".

I got their photo right here.

What would this mean for spontaneously generated electron-positron pairs that subsequently annihilate each other? Would they be a single electron doomed to spend eternity in a closed loop, flipping between electron and positron, oscillating backwards and forwards in time forever?

I don't think "telling people when you see somebody else doing something wrong" is the kind of gossip that's gotten a bad rap. If it even is gossip . . . it seems more like tattling, or . . . informing, or something.

Depending on your definitions, you can make the case that viruses are non-living organisms, living non-organisms, or non-living non-organisms. Plenty of wiggle-room.

The public research university I graduated from taught that about Pearl Harbor, in a manditory-for-all-students first-year class. It was the view of one of the textbooks, and a number of the teachers.

The government's focus *should* be on the well-being of the country and its people, but it doesn't seem like it ever really is. The government's focus is on the well-being of the government, just like the corporation's focus is on the well-being of the corporation.

I suspect kid Superman wouldn't have any actual powers in this version.

And things also heat up as you head out into the corona!

Maybe you whisper into only one ear at a time?