a cat named scruffy- live from Caldor

There’s nothing like the look on your opponents face when you hit a spinning piledriver as your finishing move. This was very impressive though.

The joke is that a wife with a whole lot of free time will constantly think of things to do that will also involve the husband and take up 99% of his recreational time and that her having something to do will let him have occasional free time to pursue hobbies, spend time with extended family or friends or just relax

Thanks for your detailed reply. Yes, I will admit that my reply was more than a little hyperbolic. I will try to give you detailed reasons as to why I don’t rate the movie very high as Bond films go.

I thought Skyfall was about as dumb and eye rolly as Bond movies get. I thought we were past that when Brosnan left. I watch most of the Bond Marathon on premium cable almost every year and have read all of the Fleming books multiple times and I didn’t like it.

My family used to go to the Boley Rodeo every year when I was a kid.

This would convince me to go watch in the theater, the last few Bond movies were bland and forgettable.

For me it’s music first, performance quality second and lyrics third. If the music is boring nothing can save it to my ears. If the vocalist can’t project their energy to the listener through a recording it doesn’t matter what they’re saying, I’ll get bored quickly.

Some of the deaths in boxing were attributed to dehydration, particularly Duk Koo Kim in 1982 which was a big story and caused some public outcry to ban boxing. This was one of the factors that caused boxing to change to day before the fight weigh ins. When MMA started having weight classes they did them the day

Mayo pools!?!?

Soooo...what were the Das Efx guys like in high school? Booger picking rejects? Nerdy all A students? Smelly stoners?

Amazon has Living Single available to buy for $20.00 a season it’s not part of prime. If I’m paying $20.00 a season I don’t want “rights” for a time to be determined by some corporation, I want physical copies that can’t be deactivated.

This is one of my favorite shows of all time, when I had cable I watched the reruns all the time on TV One. If only they had more than one season on DVD...

It’s never Lupus.

Lol, you’re right MacFarlane is a half-assed dramatic actor at best, I expect him to improve a little between seasons though and I expect the 2D characters to evolve some too. The production team seems new to drama and they will likely improve the quality of the show over time.

I’m currently re-watching Enterprise. It’s not much better than The Orville to be honest. It obviously had a bigger budget but hardly anyone is willing to put big money into space sci-fi these days because there haven’t been any recent sci-fi hit shows.

This is going to let the providers off the hook for being forced to provide anything at all to people in the boonies, they were forced to previously because they received public money.

If you see any evidence of this happening me and you can go into business selling army surplus combat helmets.

I said things can improve not that they automatically will.

Things are different when you get out of school, do some work on building up your self esteem, social life, personal appearance and social skills and things can improve.

Its been real and you’ve always been great to and for the community here.