I’m really glad to have a premiere date. This is one of my favorite shows.
I’m really glad to have a premiere date. This is one of my favorite shows.
You probably can’t stop her, just leave and go get go get better friends.
There are relatively affordable electric cars, the Nissan Leaf and the Hyundai Iconiq both start at around $30k which is only a couple grand more than a small SUV like the Ford Escape.
That restaurant is gloriously tacky! I want to go to there!.
What are the other 4 that you like better than Chick-fil-a?
True Blood is glorious trash! I’m currently doing a rewatch and having a blast. The quality goes down a little each season after the first few but it never actually stops being fun.
Coffee smells absolutely terrible to me. I have tried it a couple of times in my life and it tastes pretty much like it smells. I think I tasted it once maybe twice as a kid and then again as a late 30s guy. Never again.
I personally don’t watch much horror anymore because most of it is about as predictable as an episode of Murder She Wrote. I watched lots of it as a teenager though.
So you’d rather be spread than red?
Lol. Both of the cars I’ve totaled this year are on this list.
The death penalty also happened to at least one other school in the early 90s. It’s a small school so it wasn’t big news.
I just finished the first season 6 or 7 weeks ago. I’m excited that I don’t have to wait long for the second season to start.
Belly is an awesome train-wreck with some great memorable scenes connected by nonsensical trash. I think there could have been a good movie in that mess if someone, anyone knew what the fuck they were doing.
The period from For You (1978) to Sign of the Times (1986) contained most of Prince’s best work in my opinion. From Lovesexy (1988) to Diamonds and Pearls (1991) was pretty solid too. Everything after that was hit or miss for me and I rarely listen to those albums in their entirety, just a song here and a song there.
Jackie Brown is a top notch interpretation of Rum Punch. I love the novel and the film equally.
I wonder how many people ESPN is going to lay off when the ratings for the UFC keep declining?
There’s nothing like the look on your opponents face when you hit a spinning piledriver as your finishing move. This was very impressive though.
The joke is that a wife with a whole lot of free time will constantly think of things to do that will also involve the husband and take up 99% of his recreational time and that her having something to do will let him have occasional free time to pursue hobbies, spend time with extended family or friends or just relax…
Thanks for your detailed reply. Yes, I will admit that my reply was more than a little hyperbolic. I will try to give you detailed reasons as to why I don’t rate the movie very high as Bond films go.
I thought Skyfall was about as dumb and eye rolly as Bond movies get. I thought we were past that when Brosnan left. I watch most of the Bond Marathon on premium cable almost every year and have read all of the Fleming books multiple times and I didn’t like it.