Nah, let em build it in France. Change the color name from “Concord grape” to “conquered grape”
Nah, let em build it in France. Change the color name from “Concord grape” to “conquered grape”
As soon as you have to say something along the lines of that it wasn’t racist in year xxxx, you need to stop, you lost the argument.
And nothing of value was lost.
“The food was indifferent, but the hookers were phenomenal. If you’re ever in {redacted}, be sure to stop in at {redacted} and get your dick wet.” ~ Anthony Bourdain, Some Reservations
“Officer, he said he knew where I lived and was going to rape my wife. I had to protect myself and my family from a clear and present danger.”
My reply would be, “No, but I did see your mom in Backdoor Dirty Debutantes Blowbang #36... is she able to sit okay now?”
“Why is the BET network called BET?”
I’m a dad in a multi-racial home. Four years ago, we were racially profiled on a ferry going to Cape May, NJ. As I was taking my annual photos of my daughters (they are both Asian), a man came up to us and questioned whether I might be involved in a human trafficking scheme. After I brought my children inside, I went…
Give him statistics showing that crime is directly linked to economic status, not race. Then take like 7 hours to explain to him why race in America is linked to economic status. Which he would already fucking know if he didn’t purposefully bury his head in the sand.
How To Respond To a Racist Comment: Punch them in the face.
Don’t be afraid to jump to violence.
My grandfather (who was polish) used to say “What do you call someone who’s black and blue and lies in the gutter?” “The next asshole who tells a pollock joke”
Also a useful skill is the non-shaming, inquisitive facial expression of “did you I hear correctly that you just said something crazy?”
TFW you realize they consider you the kind of person who won’t object to their spewing casual racism.
A friend of a friend one time was going off about Mexicans. I’m Mexican though I don’t look it. I said, “wow, if I didn’t know any better I’d swear you were racist.” He said, “I’m not racist...” and I said, “then maybe you should cut the racist speech.” I haven’t seen him since.
As a bartender I try to curb then off with a joke. A very specific joke.
the Scooby-Doo knockoff pet dog