a cat named scruffy- live from Caldor

Good luck, just remember that forums and YouTube are there from you if you get stuck.

Some people are just dicks, I don’t wonder about why anymore I just treat em like dicks and keep it moving.

I only smushed two peoples bread and neither of them came back as far as I know. 99.9% of the people I dealt with were prety nice, its always one or two asholes that mess stuff up for everyone else.

I had that cart getter/bagger/stocker job too, act like a shit with me or the cashier and I’m putting your bread under the canned goods or the gallon of milk when you’re not looking.

If you do this please post video, Prince seems like a funny person to troll....unless Morris has loaned him Jerome for the day.

I bet Jay Kay is bothering Clarkson every day begging to be on the first show.

Make all movie, music and TV production companies standalone so they’re run by movie, music or TV people not MBAs who care nothing about art.

That’s not what she said.

What treasure if any is or was on Oak Island.

Say it again!

This sounds like it's going to be no fun, so I won't be watching.

I attempted to read Confederacy of Dunces in my 30s, I never got what people found funny in it, I just felt pity for the main character who seemed mentally ill.

I read it as a college student 20 years ago and the desire to cock-punch Holden has not gone away. Maybe you have to read it at 13 or something to not hate the main character.

About 6 moths ago I bought a Cuisinart 2 slice toaster from Macys, it had really good reviews and I've been pretty happy with it. I paid about $30.00 for it.

Nice concept but I repeat RWD or GTFO.

I read this a few years ago, it was a fun read and a good story but not really very plausible.

Thank you.

There are a lot of tinfoil hatters around that want to believe everything they read in chain emails.

There are plenty of guides out there you just need make the decision to improve your self social life wise and be prepared for learning new skills and some self improvement, socializing successfully is easy for some people but the rest of us have to work at it.

Today I learned: Ellen parks like an asshat.