a cat named scruffy- live from Caldor

Bernard Hopkins is the only pro athlete that I can think of who is older than me. When he retires I turn into a pile of ashes.

Yep, getting real old. I hope you're not calling me racist because I'm black too. At least most white Americans have enough sense not to do stuff like this in public, Europe must still be like 75 years behind the US in racial relations for this stuff to still be going on in newspapers.

Men get made fun of for eating dessert in Japan? I don't even...I don't have sweet tooth I have all sweet teeth....

"It tasted like I was eating cartilage mixed with asshole meat"

Justified isn't the best show on TV but it's one of my favorites. It doesn't try too hard to beat you over the head with any moral philosophizing or anything it's just a simple, fun to watch cops and robbers show.

I'm guessing you're not a boxing or UFC fan. PPV costs will break you, I'll take overpriced mediocre bar food over $100+ in PPV fees nearly every month.

MMA is dangerous but I think it's less dangerous than football. If you get a serious beating, injury or KO in MMA you can't fight again for 90-180 days to make sure you have time to heal.

Sure, you can buy sneakers in March, you just don't wear them in March or most of April.

Brings back college memories...

It's basically been a nine year continuing storyline soap opera with some laughs along the way, its not something you can easily explain to someone who never saw the show and doesn't know the characters and all they've been through. If you ever watched Friends it's a little like that.

Ted has always been super wishy-washy, why would anyone be surprised that he didn't leave NYC because he had another love at first sight moment, that's the very definition of Ted.

I should be against this because of too many regulations already but I do kind of suck at backing up.

This just reminds me of the TV show Ideal where Moz dated a woman who worked in a mortuary and was a recovering necrophiliac.

Lol! Yep, that's about right, but only if you typed that with a completely straight face.

Champagne is awesome, it's the one thing I can drink that never messes with my sleep*. One vodka drink and I can't sleep that night.

*waits for someone one to explain how the free market can take care of this and that regulations are not needed*

Has he sold his soul to the devil to have a comedy career? Unfunny just doesn't accurately describe Nick Cannon's attempts at humor but I don't know of a word that does.

Boondock saints is stupid but it's mildly entertaining while being stupid.

Gum is much better than funky breath

Madonna not giving a fuck is why I've been a fan for damn near 30 years.