I'm not joining any gym where it's expected to casually walk around naked in the locker room. I don't understand why anyone would want to see see random strangers naked in a gym.
I'm not joining any gym where it's expected to casually walk around naked in the locker room. I don't understand why anyone would want to see see random strangers naked in a gym.
Stuff like this is why I usually like individual sports over team sports. That whole locker room culture thing is really creepy to me.
That was mildly amusing, the impersonations are bad and the skit seems like it was written over lunch but I kind of get what they were going for.
I'm guessing this guy has never been punched in the face before but that's hard to believe because his face is so punchable.
This is why I bought a plasma TV too, I really don't lke the odd motion that you sometimes get in LCD/LED TVs.
Laser, no question. I used to have to buy a new inkjet every 2-3 years and ink in between. I've had this laser printer since 2005 and I've only had to buy toner once.
The Bible Belt states were attempting to shut down video stores that sold or rented porn videos and trying to get porn blocked on the internet 10-15 years ago.
Thanks for the article, I really liked it. For the next one I would like it if you could include someone who lives in a less expensive area like Dallas. A lot of us don't live in really expensive areas.
If I was making thousands a day I would have just turned Twitter off for a few weeks instead of pulling the game.
"Its a bunch of fat uneducated people wearing OU T-shirts."
Yeah, the UFC needs to market itself better to break into the mainstream. They do face a few challenges though. I'm estimating that about 1/3 of their top contenders don't speak English or speak it very poorly. Another 1/3 are introverted college wrestlers who are boring in interviews (and many of those in their…
I have like 10 coats. I bought 4 in the last 18 months. I always take one with me in the car but don't wear one much, I mean to but they get hot so they usually just end up in the car just in case.
That does makes it better but still CP for $10k
When I have a friend who refuses to learn how to use Windows properly I usually send them to the friendly neighborhood Apple store, they specialize in hand holding for the technophobic.
I just want to hear some of the awkward conversations these are going to cause.
I'll donate $10 to the cheeky bastard if he's going to change the name of the team.
South Korea sounds really judgey.
So people are paying good money to have Karl Pilkington heads?