a cat named scruffy- live from Caldor

That's what I use with my HTC Inspire. So far so good.

A friend of a friend has a Jag of this era.

Drafting works for finding juries in the US criminal justice system.

If you look hard enough you can probably find a reason not to buy from any company that's been around for a long time (50+ years).

I've tried audiobooks and streaming radio like BBC talk shows.

I use Go on my Phone with CM7 and the stock CM9 launcher on my Nook Color.

Perhaps they've already been here.

What if we're just in the middle of nowhere as civilization goes, the Saint Helena or Easter Island of the galaxy so to speak.

The Logic is definitely flawed.

Killing is not necessary.


Nice post. Welcome to io9.

"I sometimes pulp whole books and inject them intravenously"

"I do the thing where I almost always finish books I start."

If not reading books that don't entertain me for entertainment makes me boring so be it.

What job expects you to read Davids Copperfield and Life of Pi?

"I don't know why; I'm not picky like this when it comes to movies, TV, music, or video games."

I do that a lot because I only like about 1 in 3 books when trying new authors.

I agree with you that watching The Wire or Sherlock or other really good TV is just as good as reading a good book.

Someone had to post this so here it is.