
Leaving aside all judgment on promiscuity and health concerns, I just feel like this is an awful lot of work for one measly little drink.

Unless you're Lindsey Lohan. That woman has been given about 10 more chances than she's earned.

Bearnaise and parm fries???

Look Affleck, let's be real, we all know You and Jen went to Outback and that sauce you love so much is what us Plebians call ranch dressing. Then you probably ate the shit outta some Blooming Onion and no less than 4 loaves of bread—on.your.own. Trust, we've all shamefully been there. It's ok. Especially if yall were

Seems logical.

It is, in fact, the only reasonable response.

Here's a good explanation for why you should never ever do this ever...

A suit would be the least of her worries. I'm not a violent person, but I would beat the cowboy shit out of her if I were those kids' mother.

I just can't anymore with these vitriolic, racist, shit stains anymore. What the fuck is wrong with them? If they even attempted to humanize undocumented immigrants I'd die of shock. They and the minute men can go fuck themselves.

"hey guys you know what we should do to escape the gay and sexual overtones associated with the 'teabaggers' label?"

Tell ya what, guys. You present verifable paperwork that documents your blood heritage leading back to a Native American tribe and that also shows that you have 100 % blood line from that tribe. Then when that is done, maybe we'll listen to your concerns about all these scary immigrants coming to take your jobs and

Pointless Opinion Alert:

The secret to staying in a relationship for me is not having to spend every damn moment together. Some people function better as a couple when they have that kind of freedom.

Oh, no, what if you went to Target? She'd never find you again!

My mom did basically the same thing to us four kids. That is, made us wear matching red polo shirts and khaki shorts/skirt when traveling. Yep, pretty much exactly the same but worse.

Charlton, who is a registered sex offender

Celebrity...he keeps using that word, but I do not think it means what he thinks it means.

Yes! You win!

Holy shit, that second shot of the General Lee looks like it was dropped by a helicopter and when it plops the landing and bottoms out immediately, I sure hope no one was in it or he is gonna really feel that.