She’s a vile piece of cunt garbage that makes me wish their was a hell.
She’s a vile piece of cunt garbage that makes me wish their was a hell.
the truth is never offensive.
Ok you know what, I can count the number of people on one hand that I’ve ever called a cunt in my entire life, it’s not a word I use lightly.
Not one of them with good hair.
And invest heavily in Nabisco, Little Debbie and Hostess.
Further proof that the kinds of people who like Fox News and trump are those people who think they’re smarter than they are and comment with intentionally antagonistic quips on Facebook posts to, like, “piss off the feminists” or whatever. I hope Fox and the GOP are enjoying the stinking bed of maggoty shit they’ve…
As someone who suffers from various allergies, I’ll try to be as diplomatic as possible here. That said...
How about: idiot, asshat, clownboy with serious issues who needs to go the fuck away? This dude needs professional help.
Ice Cube: “Maybe we should have put a slave in Staight Outta Compton.” 5:00 mark.
It’s pretty fucking rich that people are cool with consuming and confronting slavery in the form of entertainment while gasping at the horror of it all, but refuse to budge when it comes to things like criminal justice reform, income inequality, etc., and acknowledging the lingering effects of a country built on the…
18...out of 36. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad he’s been found guilty at all. I had my doubts the jury would do the right thing . I know there’s some nuance here about why he was found guilty of only half of his charges that I’m probably missing. I just would’ve preferred to hear “guilty on ALL counts”. Still, watching…
Seeing people who have callously committed horrific acts on other people start to cry when forced to take (some) responsibility for their conduct always makes me hate them even more.
Comment for the Left: The ghost of Richard Mellon Scaife has surprisingly good hands.
So this guy’s entire professional career has been peppered with morally questionable and ethically sketchy shit, yet the thing that derails him is a (no doubt) poorly lit, shaky cellphone video (shot in portrait) of him making like The Beast With Two Backs?
God, America truly is a nation of puritanical pukes.
you’ve definitely struck a nerve for all us non-Hallmark daughters and sons- so thank you. As a survivor of a toxic mother I want to offer a way for people like me to take mother’s day and make it a day for us too- like Galentines- I go and visit a lovely lady at a care home who has early stage Alzheimer’s- it’s a…
Last time I saw something that white and uncoordinated in the ring, it was a Mean Street Posse match.