
I think it does. He left his dog in his girlfriend's care while he went to serve overseas. However you feel about the troops, he's doing something for our country and I refuse to feel ashamed for being mildly patriotic. Even if we cut the patriotism, him being overseas still has something to do with it. He left his

Works for me! :)

I have first aid and organisation skills, and am a hard worker. My mister is excellent with electronics, especially radios and telescopes. My smalls have no useful skills, but are very cute. May we please come?

I have an MFA in fine art. That will be more useful in our new home than it is in our current one. Yes? I can has purpose?

So, I'm having a super weird and shitty day (possible newly dead cousin on the other side of the planet). I'd like you to know that your Monterey to Malibu mix is really helping me this morning. Thank you.

I'm a really good cook plus I have camping skills. Also I have ear plugs.

Hey, keeping track of supplies is important! Don't sell yourself short!

I can cook and like to keep things tidy! I also sing and love to read aloud (but only when people want to listen)

Ha ha ha! Why would we take the concept of money with us? That doesn't seem useful at all! I would focus on the cuteness, for sure. That has value.

Fuck. We also overlap on the french and the calligraphy. I would raise the pot with apiary science and continental philosophy minors, but what's the point. We're so screwed. We are going to probably have to go on separate ships :( Otherwise, one of us is going to walk the plank, and pretty quickly. My only hope is to

I can do cakes. Also, basic calligraphy, an encyclopedic knowledge of Agatha Christie's works, and French. I'm fucked if the world ends, basically.

I am an accountant... that must be worth something right? No? hm well I'm cute as the dickens, make people laugh and I know CPR?

I can make guacamole that is almost orgasmic, as well as wicked awesome whiskey sours (homemade sour mix). May I please advance to the second round of spaceship crew interviews?

I am extraordinarily good at lying on the couch reading books, preferably accompanied by alcohol and junk food. That's got to be on your list of must-have skills for the new world, right? And it's rilly rilly hard to find, so.....

My mom teaches small children and occasionally uses a Count Von Count puppet (from Sesame Street) when working with math/numbers. She does the voice, the accent, the whole nine yards; the kids love it.


Hmm, what kind of music do you listen to?

I'm a soft yes, but I need to know more about the playlist.

I have excellent general homesteading skills, a can-do attitude, and constant episodes of apocalyptic terror regarding our near-future prognosis as a species; can I come too?

I got the grass!