
I loved that ad because at the beginning they say how by doing “it” he will save lives (I.e. by not doing it he will cause lives to be lost) and he’s like “whatevs” and drives off in his Audi. Full disclosure: I drive an Audi

I’d rather take the flight. They said pretty much everyone threw up. Which meant a couple of studs had their shit together, and didn’t. I’d like to think I’d be in that group and I’d love the opportunity to verify.

I mostly agree. While th stock market averages about 9%, it’s way too lumpy to count on practically. You or I can count on it, as IRAs or 401Ks won’t be touched for a long enough period that the lumpyness will smooth out. Once you turn on the faucet you have to pretty severely ratchet back return expectations. I

As a man proud to be from Pittsburgh and all that we’ve accomplished over the last few decades, allow me the honor of being the first to tell you, politely, to fuck off. With that out of the way, there isn’t much steel ‘round these parts so this will not have much of an impact in the slightest. I know, I know, the

Came here to say that. He prob gets about 45% of his face value, so 3.6 investable. Assuming his house is paid off from his first big paycheck that’s an ok life but nothing too crazy. The average retiree has to plan for 30-40 yearsof income. He has to plan for 60. Not counting paying for his kid’s college etc. he’s

One of my all time fave memories of my deceased father was when we test drove a 928 and he had it up to 75 mph, in second gear, on an on-ramp. I was like 6 at the time. Good times. He had a 500e I loved too, though not as much as he did. My fave car was a guards red 911 coupe. I think an ‘89.

What a great story to read before leaving work and going home to the family for the weekend. Thanks for making my day! And yes, your family is the bees knees.

Yeah exactly, I bought it, it was my decision. But, there aren’t many things in this world that you buy and expect to not just be made illegal, but to forfeit with no compensation. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of anything else comparable. It would be expensive, but I’m hoping someone like the B&MG foundation

Not bad, but you need to have a buyback. I’m part of the problem (own a few guns, as a liberal). I’d be mega pissed if I had to turn in a gun that cost $4k to be destroyed with no compensation. And I’m one of the lucky few who wouldn’t be bankrupted by the loss, but I’d also consider it to be not fair. Now, if they

My 1999 LS 400 and my 2011 G37x both did it. Still trying to figure it out on my ‘14 A6

I can’t wait until someone has like drugs or a gun in the glove box and it opens after a crash and they get caught, all because they don’t read jalopnik.

Yeah I live in Pittsburgh and see it out on the highways. I thought it clever, so I make it part of my rush hour routine. It’s too rainy to put a hand out the window all the time and I have slightly tinted windows so they won’t see a wave inside the car. I like to think people appreciate it, and since we’re going 7

I had a co-worker whose dog chewed up a pair of boots. He called them, was truthful with what happened and they still gave him a free new pair. I was incredulous. As a normal LLBean loving person, I’m glad they changed the policy. I want them to still be around for my grandkids, just as they were for my grandfather.

I love the wagons! I liked the allroad but couldn’t find one on my schedule. Plus I like having random gear in the trunk out of sight. Like dead hookers. My mom has the 3 series wagon and it’s awesome. Best heated seats I’ve ever sat in.

I just bought a 2014 A6 with the 300hp 3.0 supercharged engine CPO. $27000. All the goodies (heated steering wheel is now a must-have). 3 years of warranty (or 60k miles) remaining. It’s legit!

Wow you’re a class-A piece of shit. I bet those actions had real meaning to the girl, not to mention the dozens who saw it in person and the 100’s who saw it online. This wasn’t the NBA finals, and even if it were it still would be worth it. There’s a lot more to life than what you can appreciate, it seems. I feel bad

There isn’t one. But if you extend out your time horizon a bit, you can get close. I’ll assume you have the emergency fund squared away, if not it doesn’t really apply. Don’t think about your purchase of this one car, and needing to invest to offset the credit cost. Think about it as a string of cars over your

I feel like sometimes Fox is trying to, much like the guide rails you can put up when bowling, gently nudge trump into seeing the writing on the wall. It’s self-serving, as they then won’t have to go through the effort to spin something that’s clearly a bi-partisan sentiment. “Hey buddy, we know you watch us

And even if you DID have a million dollars, a second million could still make a big difference. $1 million dollars equals about $30k/year in income, which in LA is a latte budget.

Usually it wold be a third party fiduciary who controls the funds in a pre-determined manner, I.e. 20k a year or 5% of principal, whichever is greater. Typically the fiduciary must have $1B of assets under management (and thus a reputation to protect).