
Haha zTrip is a joke. App crashes, cars don’t show up (like the old days when you had to call a cab Andrew it wouldn’t show), and while the nonsurge pricing is attractive I haven’t yet been able to take advantage of it (not for lack of trying). It’s such a joke that we say we’re going to call a zTrip when we’re

Especially when the biggest dummy moment (thus far) was telling Japanese auto manufacturers to build some of their cars in the USA, for a change. That’s actually a story of his incompetence, laziness and general inability to grasp basic information. Jalopnik covered it nicely.

I think perhaps she might want to avoid the stigma of it being public that she was raped. If she got a fat settlement from fox it wouldn’t erase the damage done but might mitigate it without everyone she knows looking at her with pity because it was public what happened.

That was my thought!

The deer was in a hurry to get to post office before they closed, I guess.

Is being Trans something on your official record in the military? Or can you just declare it one day? I think it’d be super cool if entire brigades declared themselves trans in support of their trans brother and sisters in arms. Then they’d have to reconsider!

Why doesn’t this have all the stars??????

Does anyone have the fill list of states that decided to join the confederacy and their quotes about slavery? Hoping to save it as a sticky on my phone for the next time some dipshit brings up state’s rights.

That’s awesome. It’s like the “Jeep wave” but Russian.

I used to park my car on the North Side next to Wahola Recycling (a scrap metal joint). I always wondered if these fourth-cousins appreciated his work or celebrity. Overall they were a rough bunch as you’d expect in the scrap metal industry, but one thing ‘burghers have is pride.

I would disagree. But my comment was in jest. I know fur-parents love their kids as much as human-parents. The emotions and the connection are very real to them and it’d be wrong to discount that.

Pets are not children. They can’t crash a bike into your new car, spend your money or get arrested for underage drinking.

As a former Lean change agent and Six Sigma Green Belt I can say that you win my personal comment of the day.

They’re have to be multiple leakers. They are all probably trading stories for decent coverage when their name comes up in an article. But if they’re all doing it, it’s a wash.

Hahaha I’m dying that they had an “ownership group” like it was an Arabian thoroughbred. Anyone know how much these expensive stew-meats cost?

I thought it was interesting how the Mooch brought up Trump reminding him he called Trump a hack “about every 15 seconds,” meant as a cute anecdote but also probably true, and a wonderful window into the spiteful mess and grudge-holding that defines our commander in chief.

Jelly you didn’t think of it first?

Interesting, thanks for your perspective. I don’t know enough of the legalities as it relates to foreclosure, I think my bank charges a late payment if it’s not received by the 14th. Due the first. It’s through a super-regional bank so they probably land somewhere in the middle. I auto-debit so I don’t have to worry

Curious, why do you recommend that? If the rate is fixed and the mortgage is sold to either Fannie or Freddie, the local bank still services it so there is no change to user experience.

I live in Pittsburgh and have taken the autonomous vehicles. They’re cool. They still have two engineers in there at all times, but I look forward to the ghost chariot rolling up silently, menacingly, beckoning me to take a ride.