DJ Flightrisk

Aaaaaaaaamen. Had a friend go through the SAME thing. Her case went “cold” but she was called THREE years later saying that they had caught the guy after they retested her kit as part of an initiative. Turns out there was enough DNA to be conclusive, just not on the vaginal swab, which was the ONLY SWAB TESTED

He has a solid chance of winning. And he has enough money( some from me!) to continue on. Bernie can win.

Men are not being asked to defend their voting positions as feminists, and so neither should we.

Answer to the question: however the fuck she wants. The question is insulting (not that I’m pointing fingers at Stassa, just, you know, at the entire culture of this debate).

Counterpoint: this is awesome

If you’re an Ohioan like me, you hate him even more.

Every tool should be used to fight the capitalist class.

Ah shit. I had Rick Snyder in the capital with racism.

I came here to say exactly that. I truly hope they make an example out of these monsters and that they take punishment all the way up the chain. It feels like too often people in high office get to slip away from accountability by throwing underlings under the bus. Everyone who knew what they were doing and did

Even if Snyder goes down in flames (if that actually happens), the philosophy he espouses is still prevalent in other states. When will Congress and state legislatures realize that cutting budgets have consequences? That at some point you’re done cutting fat, and you’re destroying muscle and bone?

Let’s play Clue, shall we?

Ugh, it makes me cry a bit. My 9-5 is working for a nonprofit that does education and advocacy on a lot of social justice issues that are deeply emotional and held beliefs (death penalty, immigration reform, anti-war, etc.). It makes me want to shake things to be like “yes, racism TOTALLY is still around and who knows

Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be

A sadistic reality TV show idea: lock this douche, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump in a studio apartment. Provide lots of alcohol, not quite enough food, and no hair products.

Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-

Neither are you because angels don’t exist. So what’s your point? At least be bold enough to say it directly instead of posting this “no angel” bullshit.

They’re using Flint as a reason to cut the EPA, too. “Well where was the EPA while this crisis was happening?” Um, federal officials can’t jump in until asked and state officials were fired or replaced with “emergency managers” under Snyder’s fabulous governance plan. So blow me.

this part is my fav

How is essentially defending her right to go to the bathroom during a debate considered nasty? What, exactly, has he said beyond “the emails should be investigated” that’s so offensive? I’m confused as to what you’re getting at.

Oh, Bernie. I was feeling the burn already. Now it has gone from burning when I pee to a definite chalmydia diagnosis.