DJ Flightrisk

Yeah, I got a distinct vibe of men feeling that boys must need their father’s influence and care as much as possible, but don’t care about providing their daughters with the same. Probably a little of column A, column B, and column fuck this noise.

This has to be the most simpleminded sexism ever. What could possibly be different in the utility of caring for baby girls versus baby boys? They all need to sleep, eat and shit every 2 hours. That’s all.

Rabia is seemingly VERY obsessed with this thing, where it no longer seems like it comes from the goodness of her own heart.

I still think he did it.

Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.

Love to chest bump and MC like the youths. What’s up, my voters?

The problem is the people who would vote for them don’t care one wit which debate panelist is saying anything true or logical. They only need to say something about ‘sanctity of life’ or ‘take our country back’ for half the electorate to get a raging hard-on.

I can totally agree with that... AFTER THE PRIMARY. Before the primary? The only Dem for me is the Bern(ing) man.

No one is winning right now. They’re just campaigning. I’m a Bernie fan and will vote for him in the primary. I hope I’ll get to vote for him in the general election. But if Hillary does win the primary, for the sake of all that is decent in this country, we need to support her. There is not one single republican


I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.

Yes Anna Melon, if that’s your real name, whatermelon you doing criticizing old white men for this? Honeydew you understand we white men are an oppressed class?

This applies to all minorities in Texas. As a Texan I can confirm that when I go vote, most of the folks I see there are white.

To my dear Mexican-American brothers and sisters in Texas,

Now playing

A very dyspeptic (and not far from elderly) Rove still refuses to believe Romney lost Ohio.

Oh Carl. You destroyed your own party to get an idiot elected. I wonder if that will ever dawn on you....

I try not to get at people for their appearance, but Colbert is right. His head is absolutely shaped like a canned ham.

Yeah I mean he’s not wrong. But he’s wrong about it being an insult.

first of all