DJ Flightrisk

A FEMINIST—should vote according to which ever candidate she feels best represents women’s and/or her issues. You know—I have been employed in politics for several years as well as well as having worked for a feminist organization who’s main thrust is advocating for the rights of women and girls—I’m supporting Bernie

Uh, yeah. That was the joke. I’m an atheist. Whatever, dude.

I grew up in the religion, bailed and ran away from home etc when I was a teenager. My stepmother accused my father of molesting me but the allegations weren’t true. Why she would do that in the first place is another story for another day BUT I do remember being a painfully shy 6 year old girl brought alone before a

I second the Cymbalta. Still ef’s with your libido but compared to others not nearly as bad.

More about him, please! Was there even a post about his bid or did I miss it?

Have met the man many times, Bullock is awesome sauce. :)

I am nearly trembling with RAGE over how despicable and hideous those kids were. A pox upon ALL of them. I’m glad you made it out. I’m glad you eventually found a partner (hey, better than me!) and know not all people are like those seeping pustules.

Gonna try to stop by too!

I wasn't exactly a conventional beauty so the zero fucks given I expressed with game as a youth was rather odd in retrospect—some of my favorite moves were:

Had sex with the drummer from a somewhat popular local punk bank in LA after one of their shows. He took me home and his house which he probably shared with about 6 other roommates (of course) was absolutely filthy, like a zero-fucks junkies den or something, literally not an inch of floor space available that wasn't

Whatevs. I started exercising and dieting and dropped twenty pounds and now as women at 36 years old I'm getting more ass than a toilet seat with a revolving cadre of smoking hot twenty-somethings. (I date all ages, it just happens to be twenty-somethings in Montana for whatever reason.) Men biologically want

Wow. Why are you here, exactly?

I used to call hippopotamuses "Step-on-top-of-us'"