This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.
This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.
My grandpa died of Alzheimer’s in his mid 80s. My grandma is 93 and has Alzheimer’s. My dad is 61 and I’m concerned that he is getting Alzheimer’s.
lol, no offense to Jezebel writers, but I think you’re overhyping their celebrity status.
Yeah, there’s some fancy stepping around in an effort to soften the knowledge that those low, low divorce rates are due to people being trapped.
While there is acknowledging, “In conservative families where there’s a stigma against divorce and expectation that women should serve the men, survivors may be trapped and unable to seek help,” I don’t see her directly refute her earlier belief.
I do not think these divorce stats are quite the strong argument you make them out to be.
Thank you for that perspective. I didn’t realize that. I usually welcome controversial art, but if this structure was art-as-playground, it would seem to trivialize any of the self reflection amongst white people that the artist seemed to want.
One thing I feel like is missing from these comments and the article. Is that the sculpture was pushed as “part playground.” Can you imagine installing a replica of a Nazi crematorium in the same way and not consulting any Jewish groups?
It is so very frustrating that there is always so much resistance to the idea of nuance. Pointing out that Enid and Rebecca and Seymour are sometimes racist (even when trying not to be) does not mean that they are totally good or totally bad people. Nor does it mean that Rich is advocating that we stop liking this…
But then why not tell the truth in the first place? I mean, if he said “this is based on a porcelain work by a well-known artist” I don’t think people would have a problem; making it sound like he found it buried in the wreckage of an abandoned factory gives himself too much credit.
I don’t like anyone involved in this story. I was ready to defend the poor girl that was being shamed, but her anti-choice attitude changed my mind.
OK, now THIS is what makes America great, right here. 1. He’s got more scientific credentials than anyone in the 45* Administration. 2. He’s got an education and 3. is applying it for both fun and profit. 4. His name is really Dr. Leatherman.
What a great song.
The show originally trafficked in bawdy but trite intimacies, but as its cast’s personal crises have intensified, its popularity has faltered.
You know when you meet a new friend and you’re like, You are fucking hilarious! And it seems like you have so much in common and she tells the funniest stories and it’s all sunshine and light and drinking too much and stumbling home but then one morning she calls crying and is like, can I borrow money for an…
Log Date, 051717:
It’s amazing how this one gif sums up my feelings since November so perfectly.
He makes jokes about liberals being butt hurt. It’s as bad as you’d imagine it to be.