
This is a definite reach.

No! Violence is not the answer! (run them off the road) You should call your congressperson, or write strongly-worded letters to them voicing your concerns (make them pay).

I’ll allow it

Yeah, I got bad vibes from that too. They’re right that one’s identity doesn’t guarantee anything about one’s morality, but that was an unnecessarily nasty way to say it.

So it is still considered a slur by many older members of the community, but not so much for younger people, though that can vary by region and individual experiences, like anything else.

Okay, let’s not go there. They’re shit, but deciding they’re a straight cis man because they’re shit sets a bad precedent. Invalidating people’s gender & sexuality is a dick move.

“Edgy straight people?” Really? There’s that annoying subset of the kink community where straight people say they’re queer because they’re kinky, but other than that, I cannot think of a legitimate reason to call a queer person straight.

This isn’t accurate. Queer is absolutely a term used by all manner of people in the LGBTQ community. Politely, your anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean much. Also, I’m sensing some bi-erasure with your comment about “actual” gay people, and the insinuation that bi people can somehow avoid being the target of slurs.

I’ve seen both older and younger members of the community embrace it as an umbrella term, reclaim it from its use as a slur, or object to its use because it *has* been a slur. I don’t think there’s any consensus. Correct pronouns are not a privilege to be revoked if someone steps out of line, commits a crime, etc. Just use the right fucking pronouns and stop whining about it. Singular “they” has been in use in the English language for ages and is widely considered correct, anyhow:

oh shut up and fuck off

lol you sound triggered, maybe reconsider your stance on trigger warnings? They could save you from a lot of future emotional turmoil.

This one appears to be rooted in the need to make sure women only have sex when they are most likely to conceive.

The problem is these traditions survived well beyond their necessity.

A lot of these rules made sense in context: many of the orthodox Jewish traditions are rooted in hygienic practices in Bronze/Iron age Israelite communities. This may very well be one of them. The problem is these traditions survived well beyond their necessity.

What I don’t understand are Coach’s ‘high end’ bags. If I’m in the market for a $1,500 handbag, I’m going to buy Balenciaga or something, not a mall brand.

I was raised Catholic. I don’t give a shit if people wear rosaries as jewellery. I’m sure the uber catholic fundies who also think I’m a whore and going to hell for not being a virgin anymore and living by myself as a single woman probably have an issue with rosaries as jewellery but fuck them anyway.

It states beneath the picture that it is the campaigners celebrating. How is that misleading?

Yikes. These women are still going to go through so much.