
Or he knew he was making a public statement.

This is just lawyer/press speak. “Imagine my shock that the other side did X thing!” The whole reason they wanted to money transferred right away was because they assumed they had spent most if not all of it.

The naivete of you shocks me. The lawyer is making a point, that doesn’t mean he’s actually surprised.

Seriously. Plus, that was his money to squander, however he deemed fit. Fuck anyone who thinks his drug addiction is justification for denying him what was rightfully his.

So in the 10 months since the Go Fund Me was set up for Bobbitt, he would’ve spent roughly $5,000 on drugs.  Yeah that would’ve really been squandering the money compared to how well McClure and D’Amico managed it.

We’re way off topic here, but the origins aren’t relevant. “Latin American” and Latino/Latina/Latinx have a fairly well understand meanings that people of that ancestry use as self identification. They they are not “Latin” could not be less relevant.

I guess as long as you’re not the one living under drone strikes.

Tiffany must feel relieved that she’s no longer the least-loved Trump Child.

It’s extremely frustrating to see how much you downplay/diminish Green’s crime here, especially because it’s totally unnecessary. This article is incredibly compelling and seems well researched. But seeing her crime described as Green unwittingly being a part of a murder for “giving him a ride,” it does a real

I just have to note, Cardi B. is a black woman. Period full stop.

If shes such a proud black woman then how come she has dissed dark skinned black women? Fuck both of them, hot garbage all around. Cardi is little more than a reflection of how little regard anyone seems to have for lyrical talent anymore. Banks is mad that shes not a good enough rapper to actually make some decent

Referring to Spike Jonze as merely “the director of Her” is kind of crazy.

I couldn’t put into words what I was feeling when i watched the video, but you said it exactly. It’s like a real life uncanny valley.

It really looks like crappy CG from a late-90s B-movie about aliens. His feet shuffle and his shoulders twist, but his head and neck are completely level the whole time. I need a GIF of it.

This is a stupid comment because, minus the job part, you might as well be describing some Apple employees too. Also, High Life is usually more expensive than PBR, even in CA.

I am sure there is more to the story than what you are saying, as your “drove towards us menacingly” is pretty fucking ridiculous. it’s like a dog ordering a pizza over the phone type ridiculous.

Other countries don’t have the concept of unlimited free speech (look it up)

Your kid is 15 and not allowed to use social media? No wonder he’s rebelling.

So...they stood around watching while nineteen people in a not-so-high-income part of Detroit suffered triple-digit (if not more) losses to their private property instead of, oh, I don’t know, parking their fucking news van somewhere it fucking BLOCKED the fucking pot hole? Or lighting fucking flares? Or putting