
I think now more than ever that women about to turn 30 and single or their careers aren’t going anywhere are much more vocal about the struggle of being lonely and watching all your friends go through those big life moments and feeling depressed as to why you’re not progressing. The studios have caught on to that

This LAZBOY is just a tremendous chair, really, I have one and I have the best chairs, the most respected chairs. We’re having an affair.

Having lunch with the workers is “divisive” but hearing management’s side is “within the guidelines of section programming.” Cool, got it.

In my fever dreams, which are apparently coming true today.

Damn. I’m sorry.


I mean, if you’re talking about Kim Kardashian, she’s sure as shit wearing makeup. But more importantly, if celebrities insist that they’re not wearing makeup when they almost certainly are, it creates an impossible beauty standard whereby average women are expected to look flawless without any sort of corrective aid.

To be fair, it didn’t sound like an angry “What the fuck?”. It was more of an “Oh my God!” sort of “What the fuck?”

I know it was packaged but I still can’t help picturing it as if it was just loosely strung up inside the suitcase in a shape that they would have in a human abdomen and they just spilled out when the suitcase was opened as if you had just unzipped a human.

So many questions but also do not want to know the answers

Kids need some stability though. School and a daily routine are important.

I’d have a hard time taking my kids to an actively war ravaged place like Syria. I see his point. As an adult she can go where she wants - her person, her decision, but he does have equal say in where the kids go, no?

I think I only “wash” my legs when I shave them, but it’s more putting soap in the way so I don’t slice myself open rather than deliberately washing them. Sometimes I also exfoliate with a sponge thingy? Anyway, they always look the same.

I kinda think them “moving the docs” might be part of the FBI’s python game; like they’re faking it to get fsociety to execute plan b so they can pounce...

So I posted this on Reddit but the Mr. Robot subreddit is SO BUSY it got buried, maybe someone smart can help me out over here:

When they reply to you, you MUST dismiss them. It’s not that hard, and more people should be doing it.

Can we do something real about Weiner and his weiner? Something more than public shaming because clearly that/losing his job don’t bother this guy.

I think he’s just a compulsive creep who literally cannot stop himself.

So.. this is what their second or third app? Why not just incorporate these features into hangouts instead?

I agree with this. He probably felt bad specifying where he wanted the money to go and/or felt that the administration would do the right thing. Turned out he was wrong. Hopefully anyone donating money in the future to this school (or any school for that matter) will put in writing the specific uses for their money.