I see:
I see:
A pretty good way to get a dude to fuck u is to be like “Yo dude, you wanna fuck or what?”
Solidarity forever,
Oh let this be the first of many blows to the exploitative and unsustainable clusterfuck that higher education has become.
That should include preparation to deal with situations you are uncomfortable with. Sexual/workplace harassment and bullying, etc. It does occur and people who “adult” properly will be able to handle it.
A most curious creature, this. A terribly splendid display of life belligerently going on; a fragile and sexy example of the desire to grow, at any cost. I will draw her.
Yes in a couple of weeks Nintendo will not only shut down but C&D Niantic because their product is doing too well.
Christ some people on here are truly delusional.
The first. The latter is perfectly fair, provided she’s naturally producing the testosterone.
“It’s not fair, we can’t compete with her innate genetic advantages!”
I was there too. Something about the phrase “Fuck Fest” screams “orgy!” to me, for some reason.
I’m leaning the other way, like, the explicit invitation is for drugs, but with an implied “If so, you guys should join us back at our place. We’ll have some drinks, do some blow, get in the hot tub and see where it leads...”
I’m kind of confused at some of the comments which seems to think the article is being 100% positive. I think it’s being pretty evenhanded, especially in the woman running for Saudi Arabia by noting how all of the pics of her running normally at home have been scrubbed from the internet (that’s frankly the scariest…
Sometimes I wonder how a person ends up with these kinds of balls. Somehow this has worked out for her but it just seems insane and reactionary and manic on pretty much every level.
I was with her until that one where she threw her food all over the In-N-Out. How much do you want to bet she didn’t grab a mop when she was done?
Which makes me wonder why they spend 90% of the memo talking about closing or tapping the hydrants illegally.
Why are pageants still a thing?? I’m not too sure the purpose of them.
i’m a pacifist but i felt some legit french revolution stirrings upon viewing the instagram account of this modern-day dandy.
Something about this is sooooooo funny to me. It’s like having a whole crew of clueless dads following you around, not as subtle as they think they are.
What if the massive genetic edge was that they were 5 inches taller?