
this is a good lesson but i can't deal with the casual transphobia in the article itself AND the comments. like "why do women not have balls" uh lol.... there are women with balls..... cool transmisogyny

she looks like mayonnaise lbr

Outspoken and self-proclaimed 24-year-old feminist ally Josh Macedo allegedly

Well duh! Her entire song focuses on how being big is better because it attracts men. The music video has the skinny girl feel up a black woman's ass ala Miley at the VMAs. Trainor was never feminism.

honest to god this sounds like some manga character, but i've been out of my weeaboo phase for years and i can't remember the series or character. just that image is really clear - there was a character who famously did this and i think she based it off of them.

If it's a lightweight material, it would be fine. Better than exposing your skin to the sun, actually.

When my mother was 14 (and this was when the drinking age was 18), she worked at a local university store, and was in charge of making the student IDs. So, obviously, she made a shitton of IDs and sold them for 100% profit, on top of being paid for her legitimate job in the store.

Basically... someone who thinks they're the hot shit and unique in terms of hairstyle/interests/food choices/etc, but is really 5 years behind trend and is following everyone else. Examples of basic shit:

I really, really am not understanding why lots of comments, both here and on other sites have essentially said "hey, i have an ACTUAL, valid reason to be on birth control, i have terrible migraines/bad period etc etc not sex related. i'm one of the good ones who's not using these pills to be a slut and i don't

A 2002 Dell with Windows XP! I was 5 when my Dad bought it, and I shared it with the whooole family until I was 15. We had dial-up until 2007. I have a lot of fond memories of playing Princess Maker 2 and getting lost on Wikipedia for hours when I was a kid.

I think it's ah-ZEE-lia.

So when the hell is Azealia Banks releasing her album?

I'm not really sure! As far back as I can remember (7th grade? So 2009-ish) there have been prom-posals, although I always knew they were quite a recent invention. Might have to do with the idea of giving the girl flowers while asking, and then it evolved from there. Now they're a very involved affair, with planning

Thank you for the kind words. I know the boys have a class that occurs at the same time, but I forget what it's about. IIRC, either a "what is consent" course or an "anti-drunk driving" thing, hopefully the former (although not to say the latter isn't important!)

Uhhh this is kind of weird to put out there, everyone IRL doesn't want to talk about it, so I'm avoiding doing it on my "normal" social media accounts, so I guess this is as good a place as any? But a few days ago a guy asked a girl at my school to prom and she said no, and he brought a knife in and started discussing

You are older than:

edit: misfire. sorry!

Also true, and certainly valid! Neither system is working as well as it should.

Colleges intimidate women into reporting to the college judicial system instead of, you know, the actual criminal system. The same reasoning why people are "encouraged" to go to HR instead of reporting workplace harassment/crimes to law enforcement.