
I don't know if any of you have seen this, but it's been passed around for 2 years and I laugh everytime I hear about this guy because of it. It says that Guy Fieri, as a toddler, shat in a hallway and blaming it on a puppy. I don't know if it's true, and I honestly don't care... The mental image is just too good.

What specific training/courses/education do you need for your job? What would be the first steps for someone like me (high school student graduating next year) to obtain a job like yours? Thank you in advance for a reply.

ALSO this reminds me and this so super important because it's April now: don't give to Autism Speaks!!! They're a terrible company.

Can we all agree that Android's emojis are far nicer than Apple's emojis? Because they are.

The term witch is a complement in our generation (Z) terminology though. It means you're super cool and badass. Think AHS!

Witch is a complement among us youngsters. It means that you're super cool and badass.

JSYK, that's not my friend. It's a separate post written by someone else. That's why the beginning has a link to the original post, and why it's in a quote.

I went to the link fully ready to laugh but the guy in the puffy blue jacket and the guy with the glasses and sweater in the black puffy jacket. Omg. They can pull it off!

Except that racism is a pattern of discrimination (which is when prejudice is acted upon), enforced through cultural norms (which can also take the form of laws). Those in a position of power can never be the oppressed. White people can be discriminated against, sure, but they will never experience the systematic form

let me guess - you're a person who think "reverse racism" is real

I watched her TED talk after "Flawless" came out - and I was disappointed at her way casual cissexism (something along the lines of "What separates men and women? Well, apart from a penis and a vagina, respectively...") and that no one acknowledged or discussed it :(

That's weird - We Heart It would most likely be described by my peer group as "soooooo old and ugh". It was popular when we were in 7th-8th grade, so... 5 or so years ago? It was an early Pinterest-type site where the only use was to repost popular images on Tumblr and try to get notes. I had assumed it died.

My prom theme is "Roaring 20s". I desperately need to rob a bank to get some CASH $$$ MONEY to buy one of these dresses.

It prevents the kid from losing the cash or wasting it on things that aren't lunch, but also prevents the bullying that comes with those bright "reduced lunch cards" of the olden days. Now almost everyone just puts in a PIN, and the computer automatically deducts the correct amount. Easier for the parents too, because

I still haven't gotten my third (final) HPV shot because my parents are concerned about THE SEX!!!!! Oh, parents.

Fun (read: terribly depressing) anecdote: my high school's GSA now uses the term GLBTCH - gay lesbian bi trans cis het. For "equality"! Everytime I see the posters I laugh. It doesn't help that every poster has been defaced to spell GLBITCH.

GSM (Gender and Sexual Minorities) is an acronym that fits everybody in! I wish it would get more traction.

Weird seeing his face NOT scrunched up like he's worried/confused/annoyed.

I saw this ad yesterday and had assumed that Equinox was the brand of purse the guy was holding?? And they had stolen it, ergo "Equinox made me do it".