
But Republicans took a poll of the major ISPs, and they were in favor of killing net neutrality by millions of dollars.

Starred for typo that actually makes the post way more fun.

ASPCA ads take a hard line against it.

I actually kinda agree with Shaq here. But why is he being suck a dick about it?!

“Who the fuck is Tom Brady?”

You don’t have to be American to be a real American hero.

Probably just should have used the japanese translation and referred to him as Shiba Inu.

Well he has to say that. It’s like a challenge for these guys. I remember a couple of years ago with the bullpen was still outdoors at Wrigley Field the Cubs relief pitchers played a game to see who could avoid flinching when a foul ball came their way and I remember someone taking one right off the knee. Wood maybe.

I cannot fathom getting hit with a baseball going OVER 100 MPH. Holy shit. I think I would just collapse and turn into dust.

That owning two minivans doesn’t make me less a man.

I told my 3 year old at the time that if she pulled that lever near her carseat that it would eject her onto the freeway. She stopped playing with the lever (takedown lever for the rear seats to fold down. Wouldn’t have worked with her seat in place, but I wasn’t sure, and was tired of her trying to mess with it).

It’s ironic because one of the main things people say about buying an SUV/CUV is “I like to sit up higher so I can see things”.

It’s not as complicated as you think. No one is paying attention anywhere, not driving, walking, eating dinner, nowhere.

Dear Johannes,

It’s not the fact that turning off my adblock is a problem, it’s the fact that those almost 50 ads and inline videos are going to get displayed. I have whitelisted some pages, Gawker is not one of them.

The animal is fine. It’ll wake up tomorrow and it’ll be like this never happened.

You kneel for the anthem, you disrespect this hero.

That’ll teach that buck-toothed asshole not to predict an early Spring again.

“If you’re 50 years old or younger, give every book about 50 pages before you decide to commit yourself to reading it, or give it up. If you’re over 50, which is when time gets shorter, subtract your age from 100 - the result is the number of pages you should read before deciding whether or not to quit. If you’re 100