
So the general public might remember Blade, but not as a Marvel movie about a black superhero.

Y’all forget about THE most important black superhero of Hollywood

I never really thought of the racial context of Blade before, but you just really put it into focus for me. Holy shit.

Blade also had the misfortune of coming out in the post-Batman & Robin late ‘90s, when studios were desperate to avoid the comic book label for fear that it would turn off audiences sick of campy superheroes. IIRC, Blade was positioned as a horror-action film, much in the same way that the first X-Men was sold as a Mat

Plus its a slap in the face to everyone else who worked their ass off, and went without to do the responsible thing and pay off the debt they owed.

Sounds like a job for the military. Has anyone reached to Colonel Sanders?

Lol that part reminded me of the Emperor’s New Groove.

I can’t help but remember.

“In 2003, he finished second in Cy Young voting.”

Put a 5-foot-9, 175-pound AHL goon against a 6-foot-5, 235-pound counterpart, and who do you think will usually come out on top?

It’s been done.

Also David had the good sense to stand far away and hit Goliath with a rock instead getting within arms reach and letting Goliath smack him around.

Villagers Fight, Flee As Giant Raids Grain Supply

He’s the cool chaperone on IT and JJ’s elementary school field trip.

Unrelated to the story itself, but that header image is the best thing I’ve ever seen

I just sent my husband woj screenshots because I know he’s in a meeting. Hopefully he can still conduct the meeting after his mind is blown.

counterpoint: Give him some more Mountain Dew Code Red.

There, there, Tom.