
The NRA has said they’re sending ‘Thoughts and Prayers’

If they move the team to Cleveland, they’ll fit right in with the sports scene there.

He’s already got the top voodoo economists working on the trade war...

Close...in the show, God has four fingers.

Agreed. My default for a missed shot is to immediately call out “Kobe!”

Are we not gonna talk about the fact that there was a ‘white power’ ranger?

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

I’m fairly certain that this is the U611, not the U625.

I got one for this... stopped at an intersection while an accident was ongoing in front of me. Low speed collision with two cars, no one hurt, but blocking most of the intersection. Traffic is starting to back up a lot, so I turned right on red(wrong, i know, but traffics not moving and not getting any better). Rather

Boy, the #thiseatsthat tag got out of control fast...

It could only be...Batmanuel

The only solution is to arm the assistant coaches with soup.

NRA be like, “Dick move, Dick”

I’m not sure if I like where his tunnel design is headed...
