Dixie Vista

I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m sure it’s not easy to forgive your abusive parent. I’m still working on forgiving mine.

I’m unsure why you think you know Kate shows up every day. Lots of parents are around but bad.

I would trust them outside of a tabloid that has paid for the story. It’s a suspicious circumstances. Neither parent is one anyone would wish for I’m certain.

Now that I can understand, he may be going through something big that hasn’t run its course yet. I guess I just really want to believe he’s trying, especially since he appeared to be a decent human for a significant part of his life before this drama. He used to know how to behave.

Not really, the kids live with her and sheer got a cover, so she’s controlling the narrative for the court of public opinion and day to day in her home. Those are the facts.

Divorce is often the right answer for parents, and it’s true I’m empathetic in a situation full of passive aggressive tabloid grabs. It hits close to home for everyone posting their story here, including you. We’re sharing, this is community 😊

Jon is clearly passive aggressively trying to get the kids attention through their mother and the tabloids and Kate is responding by having the girls say that. At least that’s what makes sense in my head. If you talk through attorneys you have to pay them, but tabloids pay you for the story. So what we have here is a

I’m sure your mother acted as soon as she could but if he’s an addict, I have compassion for him. As an adult, knowing he struggles with that for the rest of his life, and he may never know what it’s like to be sober and normal.

Maybe for some people, in perfect situations, can make that choice free from influence. But the last time I checked she doesn’t determine influence and worldviews can change rapidly. Call me crazy I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt I guess.

Yeah we haven’t seen the kids in over three years now. Thank goodness for adulthood and second chances.

I should add I’m speaking here as a woman who’s husband’s ex-wife one day said OK let’s get you some real addiction help and the next took a payout from my mother-in-law to take the kids away. It sounds like you are all nice people with bad dads instead of bad moms.

Narcissistic assholes are emotionally abusive. That counts in therapy.

Of course you can, anything’s possible - but I’d be willing to bet someone who ends a relationship with a non-abusive parent for their own reasons has some issues of their own.

Yes thank you. The big point is we don’t know anything except that celebrities get paid for these feature stories. This is a mortgage payment for Kate. She’s not blameless here any more than Jon is.

Since when is encouraging a synonym for forcing or coercing?

All I’m going to say is, a good parent would encourage their children to visit their other parent - and if there’s abuse then there are healthy ways to handle it without simply ignoring it.

Why can’t we have nice things?

“Boring” usually means safe, average, and stable.

Bootstrap anti-feminists, that’s what those Fox News women are. I was raised as one! So glad to be on the other side now.

Bingo!!!!! We’ve got a winner. Low self confidence combined with systemic (read: invisible/denied) creates self hatred and can create self destructive behaviors. Hopefully the validation from being heard and the acceptance from other victims will swing her full circle so she can ditch that baggage.