Dixie Vista

Idk Jon keeps company with some pretty terrible people, made basically no attempts to hide his infidelity, and continues to talk about these kids in public when it seems pretty clear that the twins, at least, have asked him not to. I tend to trust people when they say their parents are terrible and I don’t think

I do wonder if Kate encourages them to see their dad at all... both of them seem like they would be exhausting to be around (Jon and Kate), they seem pretty well adjusted considering the way they grew up. Ummm as for there’s “healthy” way to deal with abuse without “ignoring” it.... I’m just a tad bit confused as to

Nah. Court mandated visits wouldn’t likely be granted if the children were the ones who didn’t want to see them. The courts generally want what’s best for the kids, not for the shit parent(s).

That's what I keep hoping, he's 16 and wants to go into the military. My main hope is that eventually he sees that his father is an insecure lonely man who can barely get along with his own parents who are wonderful people and grow up. My fear is that he winds up exactly like his dad who he idolizes in spite of all

The kid will figure it out when they get older. You don’t have to worry about it, though I sympathize with you.

My ex BIL has turned my oldest nephew against my sister by convincing him she caused their divorce by cheating (they were both unfaithful but in any case, highly inappropriate to mention to your child). This ex BIL has also made regular attempts to get back together with my sisters even though he remarried less than a

My mom is still a good parent without having to be a cheerleader for my shitty father. She never stopped me from seeing him. The only person who did that was him. Even so, when I was a kid, I loved him. But then I grew up and realized what kind of person he is. The blame for our nonexistent relationship is on him, not

When my parents were divorcing my dad wasn’t abusive but he did say really really nasty things about my mom. After telling him several times I didn’t want to talk about my mom and I didn’t want to hear him talk about her either, I came to the realization that he wasn’t going to stop. I stopped seeing him for awhile

Thank god I’m a librarian. The day they enforce a ban on Easy Spirit shoes and threadbare cardigans is the day I turn in my retirement papers.

Victims of sexual abuse can very often also end up as perpetrators.

You know, I’m not sure The Rock and everyone else is giving Vin Diesel the break he probably deserves. I mean, he’s continuing on with a new movie in a franchise, but without his long standing co-star and friend. And its not because of contract negotiations or scheduling or whatever, it’s because the guy DIED after

The same man who wants all women in his life (most likely, his daughters included) to pose nude for magazines is also pandering to the anti-porn community.

This is the kind of heroism that literally every single American CEO should be capable of:

Child brides ARE rape victims. Call a spade a spade.

Call me crazy, but calling it ‘worse’ as if there are variables when you’re kidnapped as a child bride by a lunatic won’t change my mind about porn.

Sure, that’s a given. I’m just wondering if BECAUSE Hillary has ties to private prisons if Obama told her of his plans to see if she’d continue them. His term isn’t much longer (sob) and if the next president isn’t going to continue what he started, then this is really just a symbolic gesture. I certainly hope that

Prisons, health care and education

Well except for the white sports playing bros who like to have sex with unconscious women. Those dudes can’t have their lives ruined by prison.

As always, it took a journalist going undercover for the government to get embarrassed enough to actually address what had been going on all the time.

I cannot even read more than like three sentences of this. On a writing level, not even a theological/ideological/logical one.