Dixie Vista

To me she’s exactly the kind of woman we will win over soon. She’s mad about the systemic oppression she’s feeling in her life whole everyone around her denies it. I’ve had those thoughts before so I recognize them. This once instance could make her a very powerful feminist ally, should she receive validation (and

Any soil can be cultivated to grow plant based good sources. Who researched this???? It’s basic gardening.

They are Los Angeles born and raised. Not uncommon behavior.

This is a great point. We’ve all noticed the more blatant violence against African Americans since Obama won. Now we will see it against women. I hope it’s not too bloody but if it is, maybe we will get real change.

Then please explain to me why deeply religious sects like fundamentalist Muslim faiths require hair removal for cleanliness? It’s about hygiene, not aesthetics.

Remember cause and effect is rarely so simple.

I very much disagree. I’ve had suicidal ideation for a couple of decades, and believe me I am now horrified that my parents didn’t keep their guns locked up. Because a gun feels familiar if you’ve ever shot it, loading it is a habitual routine which other suicide methods aren’t (fistful of pills, knife, carbon

Twitter is blowing up with sexworkers complaining that they’ve partnered with him, considering his history of violence against women. He always blamed the women who were sexworkers. And Lelo just pissed off their main market. All my friends used to buy their products.

If the companies advertising department can’t get more creative than using traditionally hot bodies and general body shaMing, that’s their problem. They need to learn how to sell their product in a healthy way, which is essentially all that the UK is trying to do with the guidelines. Yes it’s harder, but um, deal with

Agreed. I hope they get small so they don’t hurt so bad, but I never forget. A big part of me growing up has been learning to recognize that not all love is good, and it’s turning out to be a defining moment in my life getting away from the bad love.

Thank you for sharing. I’ve had similar experiences myself, which really opened my eyes to the wide variance of abuse. Humans can be both terrible and amazing.

Jezebel has changed my life.

My partner verbally abused me for three years. It started just every once in a while, until at its worst every couple weeks. There are obviously degrees.

Verbal altercations can be abusive. There’s really no reason to yell at someone because you are upset - that’s you unable to control your emotions. For some people it’s a 30 second outburst. For others it can be hours of yelling combined with physical destruction.

It can. Verbal abuse is real. There are always degrees. If the physical destruction is severe I’d reckon the verbal abuse is as well.

Clearly you’ve never been in the situation. When someone is yelling at you and breaking everything around you, it’s domestic violence but not charged as such. It’s terrifying, absolutely terrifying. The laws have not caught up to reality.

It’s the nature of sexual desire, thank God!

There are plenty of barriers to entry unless you’re intelligent. Assume ignorance and a desire for convenience is the base level for entry level sexworkers.

You must not realize that any Joe Blow can be a porn recruiter. The industry is so saturated because of it, any dude with a camera and a fresh faced legal lady can sell what they film.

Can. You mean sex can have deeper consequences. It often doesn’t for many many people, so forcing everyone into your protectionist view is silly.