
While we’re at it, pick out which hat you want for Christmas.

Well, I crocheted this for your Uncle Frank last year and he just loved it.

The rich beauty of this bullshit is that she has said that she looks forward to being greeted in heaven by her aborted offspring.


No macho is fighting with someone who can fight back. Stabbing someone who is much smaller and trusts you is just abuse.

It’s kind of disappointing how many brilliant 20th century male writers were pseudo-macho misogynists. The list is pretty long when you count them off.

I’ve always thought Nader was a condescending asshole. Now I can think he’s a mansplaining condescending asshole.

Advantage Yellen.

I love when that lady starts a-Yellen’ at the patriarchy. Bless.

This is a good article. I often get into arguments with Kotaku readers about what is “pandering.” They complain that having female or queer or people of colour main characters is “pandering.” I respond that when white dudes are the default, the culture industry is pandering to them. Very frustrating.

Literary fiction has largely been monopolized by dusty MFA programs dominated by white men. Aside from the obvious injustices of such a system, it also has another fault worth noting. THEIR SHIT IS BORING. When “serious writing” is no longer protected by the white male university system and successful writers depend

People who believe this shit, IMO, have intellects that are no higher than a toddler. Their world is so limited, so simplistic, so lacking in any critical thinking that it is almost hard for me to believe this is a grown man who manages to get up and get dressed on his own every day. What is it like to live in a

“France’s 9/11”.

I once read a comment on some article about Frozen when it first came out and some lady was saying how she took her children out of the theater half way through the movie because the lesbian agenda was so blatant. Her explanation was something about how Elsa did not have a romantic male interest and they were trying

The reason why I don’t do religion anymore is that I couldn’t get with the notion that God made us all just to hate/punish us. Spill semen outside of a woman’s body? Death! Mix fabrics? Death! Eat shellfish? Death! My parents had their flaws, but abusive they were not. So it was just entirely unfathomable to me as a

It’s odd to me that these awful people think the books are about witchcraft. They are about friendship and bravery, and standing up for what you believe in even if it means you might get hurt, and (honestly) about making sure you are best friends with someone clever who will always have your back. The kids have some

He’s on whatever side brings more tithes into his asshole church.

You know, there are a lot of intelligent, civil conversations to be had about religiosity and secularism in France. Good conversations that can be had over coffee or a bottle of wine. This man should not be invited to those conversations, because he’s an awful idiot.

The Daily Beast reports Swanson thinks God is angry at America for allowing same-sex marriage and suggests the events at the Bataclan are a sign of his wrath.

Dear Mr. Swanson,