
Sanitation workers are typically decent-to-well paid, unionized workers with excellent job security, so yes, as a matter of fact, there are probably millions of women across the country who’d love to work “those jobs”. I’m in the same union in my city as they are, and there are quite a few, to the point where (like

If only the job posting had clearly informed you that reception is beneath you and your mighty man penis.

I used to work in IP legal. Met more than one male receptionist, all better dressed than I.

Has it ever occurred to you that the underrepresentation of women in these types of jobs is more a result of them not being considered for the position rather than not applying?

Dunno, but I was on an all-male team once where we had men from certain countries who wouldn’t talk to me, were freaked out by me shaking their hand, etc. I brought it up with the boss and was told to just chill, with the implication I was being culturally insensitive. My feeling: if you take a job with an American

I worked as an exec assistant long ago, and hired a male admin for the formerly all-female admin pool. The response was SO depressing. Men wouldn’t go to him for support; women were constantly baking him cookies and fawning all over him (he was cute) and asking him about his band, while giving the real work to the

I think it’s a combination of men not applying because it’s a “chick” job, and employers preferring to hire women for jobs they see as subservient. Telling a man to make coffee or clean up the break room would be terribly emasculating for the poor guy, and no one wants that. But women exist for exactly that sort of

I’m going to blow your mind here — what you have personally experienced doesn’t actually encompass everything that exists in the world.

Blackburn’s death attracted widespread attention because of its brutality, and because Blackburn, a blonde, wholesome pastor’s wife and stay-at-home mother, seemed an unlikely target for violence

Leading the “why won’t they release the mugshot” brigade, James Woods:

Yes, that’s part of what I meant! She gets to be preemptively exempt from victim-blaming by the general public... because she’s a blonde pregnant pastor’s wife (the Good Victim Trifecta).

Part of the problem is the false equivalency that only a racist would make. Let’s compare this story with, say, the Michael Brown story. There, a young black man is shot by a cop who was (for most of the encounter) sitting inside his patrol car. The cop won’t be charged with anything because he did it under cover of

And why this one, specifically?

The “Black Lives Matter” movement was started to address the total lack of indictments and convictions of police officers who killed black people. The only way “White Lives Matter” makes sense as a corollary is if these three suspects aren’t prosecuted. And if the lack of justice is also connected to a historical

“Blackburn’s death attracted widespread attention because of its brutality, and because Blackburn, a blonde, wholesome pastor’s wife and stay-at-home mother, seemed an unlikely target for violence.”

I may be picking up what they didn’t mean to lay down, but it sounds like this is saying, “She wasn’t even the kind of

Yeah, crime reporting sometimes throws me off with its reflexive sleaziness in objectifying victims. “The blonde, wholesome pastor’s wife”, etc. As though the loss of humanity is somehow made more or less tragic by the victim’s hair color and who she was married to. But I guess it’s all grist for the Lifetime movie of

That raises my hackles too. Nevermind what possessions of the husband’s were ‘taken away’— that woman lost her own bodily integrity, lost her own life.

The racists complain as if for the last however many decades of TV, when a POC died, it likely wasn’t gonna get national TV coverage unless they were wealthy, a young girl, or unless it was a slow day. Meanwhile, lily-white folks’ deaths were often televised, especially if they pretty and female.

The coverage has

Reading this article is so bizarre. I live in Indianapolis where this happened. And I can tell you the dialogue here has been EXACTLY the opposite. There’s been saturation coverage and the police most certainly haven’t begged for help. The Star assigned a team of its dwindling supply of reporters to cover it, even

They took that pastor’s wife and baby...