
Right? I just think it shows a [willful] profound lack of understanding about women’s gynecological and reproductive health. Women have to worry and deal with SO much more and at earlier ages than men do. In fact, for some women, taking hormonal birth control regularly helps them preserve their fertility. A lot more

Also, for fuck’s sake women need to take hormonal birth control for more than just preventing pregnancy. So, okay fine. We all use condoms to prevent babies, but that doesn’t help the women who need bc to regulate their cycle, prevent cancer, relieve PCOS and endometriosis, help prevent acne and PMS/PMDD... the list

I bet dollars to donuts she doesn't. I have no doubt she's on the pill or has had her tubes tied. I know, let's ask! You want the government in my bush? Let's see what's in yours!

If I had a piece of coal between my knees it would be a diamond now. That’s how hard that mental image made me clench my legs together just now.

Jokes on you, he still has that 50 cents in his front pocket to this day. Just waiting....waiting.

We call it a War on Women precisely because assholes like you think forcing a woman to make a man wear birth control is preferable to giving her control over her own body after private consultation with her doctor.

Of course, he’s a guy who thinks we should protect our country by forcing other countries to wear our

Precisely. Preaching to the choir here, but it only hurts the most vulnerable people. I live in the sticks, and it is a royal pain to get to a PP. But the clinic in my town has a 2-3 month wait just for an *initial* visit, and probably another few weeks’ wait for a well-woman exam. PP was able to get me in relatively

PP was my primary health care provider for a few years when I had no insurance. Once I arrived for an appointment and they warned me they had received bomb threats so I could reschedule if I wanted, but all the staff were there doing their jobs just the same. You rock. It’s just insane to think someone out there

Even if you don’t work for one anymore, you’re awesome. I triply love and support PP staff after finally visiting one last week. In all my years going to doctor’s appointments, I’ve never felt more at ease than last week. So all y’all -current or former- are A++ eggs in my book.

When I worked at PP this was my biggest fear. When you can’t wear your name tag outside of the building, you know you’re in a “scary” place.

It’s absurd that a woman who is going to get basic medical care is risking her fucking life. Pop in to pick up some plan B, dealing with a miscarriage, Pap smear, etc. and risk getting shot.

Yep. Just saw people yesterday talking on Facebook about how terribly middle eastern countries treat women and how we shouldn’t accept refugees. And all I could think was, “Yeah, because we don’t have assholes who hate women and terrorize them in this country.” And then this. For once, I wish I was wrong. But even

I was just at a PP last week (I was just finishing up about this time and heading out to grab some lunch), so this feels especially scary for me to think about. Different location, obviously, but the people were wonderful, they made me feel comfortable and safe, and I couldn’t imagine them being caught in the middle

It’s a happy correction. We are on pins and needles here waiting to find out if there are any deaths. I live pretty close to this place, and I am sure I know people who are trapped in lock down at the grocery store over there. :-(

Like other anti-abortion agitators, he views women with about the same regard as he does the turkey: Commodities.

This is America. Terrorist are only non-white, non-Christians in America. All those white guys killing people, especially uppity women who don’t want to be baby factories, are suffering from an untreated mental illness, dontcha know!

The Denver Post reports at least three police officers have been injured, as well as multiple civilians.

In the beginning of this year, a report revealed the number of threats against abortion providers had doubled in the past five years. After heavily-edited, videos meant to “entrap” Planned Parenthood were released by an anti-abortion group this summer, the women’s health care organization has suffered numerous

I recall watching video of them destroying huge blocks of cheese and being so sad. Not just at the cheese going to waste, but at how many hungry people could be fed by that delicious cheese. I mean, fuck, if you don’t want your own people to have it, couldn’t you just donate it somewhere or something? Do you really